The Opportunity to Speak to a Group by Tranquilista: Mastering the Art of Enlightened Work and Mindful Play

When you are given that fist opportunity to speak to a group of people, I encourage you to jump on it. Sure, you'll be nervous and may wonder what you have to say, but I promise that, with a few tips and some preparations, you'll be in awe of the words of wisdom that come out of your mouth. Seek out opportunities to share your message.

Come up with your top five tips, and look into local organization that may be interested in having a guest speaker at their next meeting - for example, similarly aligned business associations, women' groups, church groups, sororities, garden clubs, and alumnae associations. Remember, giving a presentation at your book club counts as public speaking and is a chance to share you're expertise with others. Here are a few tips to make your presentation shine:

Present well. Dress according to the audience and appear confident. Avoid swaying from side to side or repeatedly using um. [you know] Project Your voice to the person farthest away from you. Speak slowly and enunciate clearly. Join a Toastmasters group.

Connect. Smile, make eye contact, and be enthusiastic. Try not to read from a prepared speech - instead, have bullet points and glance at them occasionally. Use appropriate humor.

Be Prepared. Know your subject and your audience. Start with an introduction, move into the body of your talk, and summarize at the end. Rehearse before presenting. Then rehearse again.

Be Gracious. Thank the audience and your host. Offer time for Q and A if that is appropriate, and end wih a wrap-up. Share additional resources on the topic. Have handouts that summarize your message, and share takeaway tips.

Speaking is a skill, and every time you accept an opportunity to share, you are able to hone the craft.

This is an excerpt from Tranquilista by Kimberly Wilson.

As defined by the author, a tranquilista is a woman who embraces her many sides: spiritual (she's a tranquility-seeker), creative (loves style), and entrepreneurial (calls her own shots). She hearts fashion and philanthropy ... entertaining and enlightenment ... She is full of aspirations and always seeking inspiration. Oh, and she sparkles. Literally.

Presenting a potpourri of real-world tips, inspiration from modern-day muses, and savvy sources for further exploration, Tranquilista offers everything you need to bring balance and bliss into your everyday life. With spirituality as its foundation, the book highlights creative individual expression and offers an entrepreneurial approach to everything from homemaking to brand building. Step-by-step projects and to-dos cover a tranquilista's key pursuits: meditation, setting goals, personal style, living green, and even launching a nonprofit. The aim throughout is to help you realize - and revel in - your unique potential to make a splash and make a difference.

Learn more at

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