How to Fix RpcRtRemote.dll Errors by Pete F Morgan

"RpcRtRemote.dll" initializes Windows update components. So, why are people having problems with this file if it serves a very simple purpose? If the computer couldn't access it, it'd be impossible to complete the installation of update packages. Of course, not updating a PC's OS is the same as keeping it vulnerable to attacks.

What exactly happens when the error is triggered? Simply put, you'll see the "BSOD". The error message that would appear on the computer screen goes like this, "C:WindowsSystem 32RpcRtRemote.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error". You'll also be told to contact the software vendor for technical support.

Do keep in mind that there are other error messages associated with the DLL file, such as:

• RpcRtRemote.dll not found
• There is access violation of RpcRtRemote.dll
• The file RpcRtRemote.dll cannot be located

Causes of the troublesome "RpcRtRemote" error

DLL files are not necessarily stored in a protected folder. This is why they're often associated with software troubles, specifically errors involving missing or corrupted files. Still, that's not the only reason why many have problems with RpcRtRemote. Here are some other things that trigger the issue:

By choosing to halt the virus scan, malicious programs remain undetected and eventually corrupt the files.

It's not that unlikely for errors to stem from invalid registry entries. Broken associations with DLL files could also be the culprit.

Sometimes, programs overwrite (or even delete) the RpcRtRemote file.

1. Failure of the user to properly shut down the computer Sometimes, when they're in a rush, people don't want to wait for programs to properly close; they simply press the power button. This makes the computer susceptible to all sorts of issues, including virus attacks.
2. The antivirus scan is not updated
3. Problems in the Windows registry
4. Problem in the hardware
5. Installation of programs

Many claim that hackers could use RpcRtRemote errors to cause trouble. Through those, they could gain access to important documents in the computer, compromising the user in more ways than one. So, it's really important to quickly fix errors linked with the DLL.

Here's something you should know though - doing disk or system-file checks probably won't solve the problem. These troubleshooting techniques only work if the concern lies in corrupted files. As you already realized, file corruption isn't always the issue.

What to do then?

You could download tools that specifically resolve DLL errors. Some of these programs also clean the registry, remove junk files, boost startup speed, and improve the PC's overall performance. Plus, using such applications is very easy. There are even those that work automatically. Even newbies would be able to use such programs.

There are computer experts who also recommend doing the following:

1. Immediately run a virus scan on the entire system. This is to ensure that your files are protected from viruses, worms, and spyware.
2. Locate the RpcRtRemote file. You could simply type "RpcRtRemote.dll" on the search box and Windows would do its work. Once the file has been found, you should select it then delete it. Afterwards, replace it with a working copy.
3. Another option is to stop RpcRtRemote. Press the following keys together - "CTRL+ALT+DEL". You could also hit "CTRL+SHIFT+ESC" as an alternative. A window will pop up and you'll see a list of running processes. You should select the RpcRtRemote.dll process then just click on the End Process button.

If doing any of these didn't solve the issue, you may consider reinstalling the entire OS. There's no need to reformat your drive though, as it'd be more than enough to simply overwrite the current installation. To do that, insert the installation disc during boot and follow the instructions you see on the computer screen.

Truth be told, this fix is only suited for those who have adequate knowledge in troubleshooting computers. Newbies may end up having a tough time understanding the things that appear during OS installation. Making a mistake during installation could cause even bigger issues.

Pointers to Remember

Avoid having this problem by making sure that you properly shut down the computer every time. Keep your antivirus updated and be careful when installing new programs that may overwrite or remove the RpcRtRemote file. Simply put, prevention is vital in avoiding most computer troubles.

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