How To Fix The Windows 1301 Error

The Windows 1301 error is caused by a lack of file permissions on your PC, preventing an installation of a particular piece of software. We've found the error is most likely caused either by Windows being outdated, your computer having a "previous version" of the software installed, or your computer not being able to access the files which the installation application requires to run. If you want to resolve the 1301 error, we recommend you first ensure that you can clean out any of the possible issues that Windows will have inside, as well as ensure the software is working properly.

The causes of the 1301 error include:

Your PC will have errors with its files / options
Your system will not be able to access any of the files that it needs to perform an installation
Windows will be out of date

How To Fix The 1301 Error On Your PC

The first step to resolve this error is to uninstall any of the software which may be causing the error to start with. We've found that one of the main causes of the problem will be that your PC will not be able to access the files and options which will allow the installer to run, leading the error to show. To do this, you should click onto Start | Control Panel | Add / Remove Programs, and then get rid of the programs which will be installed onto your system already.

We also recommend that you update the Windows system, as well as using the "Windows Installer Cleanup Utility". The installer cleanup utility basically removes any of the corrupted or damaged settings that will prevent the system from being able to access the files / options that will enable your computer to run as smoothly as possible. We've found that downloading & running this tool will make sure that your system is able to run the installer in the most effective way.

Finally, I also recommend cleaning out the "registry database" of your PC. This is a central storage facility of Windows which stores all the file and settings that allows your computer to run as smoothly as possible. The registry is continually causing a large number of problems due to the way it's either becoming damaged / corrupted, and as a result it's recommended you clean it out to fix the 1301 error. To do this, you should use a program called Frontline Registry Cleaner 2.0 Free to try (Some features disabled); $29.99 to buy to repair the various errors that your system will have.

You can fix 1301 error on your PC by using the tutorial and tools on our website. You can Click Here to fix the 1301 error on your system for good.

The "Windows Installer Cleanup Utility" is no longer supported by Microsoft. You might prefer to go to Microsoft Solution Center and in the "What are you trying to do?" list, select " Install or upgrade software or hardware". In the "View or run solutions for Install or upgrade software or hardware" list, select "Fix problems that programs cannot be installed or uninstalled".

Webmaster Message: When you start your PC, scanreg.exe (Windows Registry Checker) automatically scans the system registry for invalid entries and empty data blocks. If invalid registry entries are detected, Windows Registry Checker automatically restores a previous day's backup. This is equivalent to running the scanreg ⁄autorun command from a command prompt. If no backups are available, Windows Registry Checker tries to make repairs to the registry. This is equivalent to running the scanreg ⁄fix command from a command prompt. Windows Setup runs the Windows Registry Checker tool to verify the integrity of the existing registry before it performs an upgrade. If it detects registry damage, it tries to fix it automatically. To start the Windows Registry Checker, click Start, click Run, in the Open box type scanregw.exe, and then click OK. Windows Registry Checker Tool

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