Make Your Web Site User-Friendly
By Dejan Bizinger
Many people have email newsletter as a addition of their web site. They want to
retain their visitors by offering them to subscribe to their newsletter. This way they
ensure that theywill have repeat visits. In order to have more subscriptions to your
newsletter people need to be convinced to become your subscribers. Your web site is
the most important thing for them to decide to subscribe to your newsletter.
Making a web site is easy. Making a good web site is not so easy. There are many
things you have to consider if you want to make a good and successful web site.
Everyone who knows at least something about marketing knows that you have to
fit your product so that it suits customers needs. Don't expect that customers will
accomodate to your web site. If, from some reason, they get an impression that your
site is confusing and that you didn't try hard to make their visit as easy as possible they
will type some new URL in Address field. As you know, there are many web sites, so
why do you think that anyone will bother to stay at your site if it is not enough good.
So, how can you make your web site user-friendly? I will try to explain you now.
In order that your visitor see your web site it must be loaded pretty fast. I could
never understand someone who's web site is loading several minutes. Do these people
think that people will really wait for their masterpiece? You can bet that they won't.
Studies show that everything longer than 30 second is much.
Your page shouldn't be bigger than 30K. When you design your web site you should
first put one table above your web site content where you will put a sponsorship
banners. This is because that your advertisers can get good visibility. Also, your logo
and company name should load very fast. One of the main marketing principles is that
people have to remember your name, logo and your message. You probably have
many competitors. Your brand-name have to be remembered. Otherwise, it is most
likely that they will forget you and never come back again.
OK, let's suppose that your page have a decent loading time and that visitor
decided to give it a try to your web site and your product. So, better that they find
complementary colors on your web site. I guess that after they have came to your site
you don't want that they leave with eye-sight problems.
You have to know some basic things about how certain color fits to some other.
Colors on your site can also depend about the your web site's type. It means that if
you want to have some kid site your site can be very colorful with some animated
images. Business sites, in most cases don't have to be to colorful.
You can find useful info about designing your web site at:
If someone would asked you what is the single most important thing on web site, I
hope that you would say that is information. You won't have many benefits if you hired
someone who is expert in programs like Dreamweaver, who will make fancy animations
in Flash, who will make extraordinary images in Photoshop and Corel Draw if people on
your site can't find something because they come in the first place.
That is information. Unless your site should be some kind of reference for company
who wants to hire a web designer and you want to show them what you can, people in
most cases are not much interested in design.