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Use HTML Target Attribute to Specify Where to Open Document

When a user clicks on a link, they are taken to the document pointed to by the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) in the href attribute in the link. By default the contents of the current browser window is replaced by that document. however, you can open the page in a different window as specified by the target attribute in the link.


In the link shown below, the target attribute is set to "_blank", which causes the linked document to open in a new window. This means two browser windows will be open.

<a href="http://bucarotechelp.com" target="_blank">Bucaro TecHelp</a>

Bucaro TecHelp


In the link shown below, the target attribute is set to "_top", which causes the linked document to open in the main browser window. This means only one browser window will be open. This is the default operation.

<a href="http://bucarotechelp.com" target="_top">Bucaro TecHelp</a>

Bucaro TecHelp

The target attribute was primarily designed to work with frames. Frames are a method that could be used for layout. Frames consist of a document containing the frameset code. A frameset can contain frames and nested framesets.

The code shown below defines a frameset which contains a frame and a nested frameset, the nested frameset contains two frames. Note that each frame has a src attribute which defines the webpage to be loaded into each frame.

<frameset rows="50,*">
    <frame src="frame1.htm" />
    <frameset cols="50%,50%">
        <frame src="frame2.htm" />
        <frame src="frame3.htm"  />

frame 2 and frame 3
are in child frameset


In the link shown below, the target attribute is set to "_self", which causes the linked document to be loaded into the same window or frame that the document containing the link is in.

<a href="http://bucarotechelp.com" target="_self">Bucaro TecHelp</a>

Bucaro TecHelp

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