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Video - How to Build a Website in Kompozer

This video from bmarketing.ws shows you how to build a website with the free open source WYSIWYG web page authoring tool which you can download from Kompozer.

In Kompozer's main menu, select Format - Page Colors and Background.... In the the Page Colors and Background dialog box that appears, set the "(*) Use Custom Colors" radio button, then click on the Background [] button. In the Block Background Color dialog box that appears, choose a color for your background. In the example, choose the color grey. Click on the [OK] button to close the Block Background Color dialog box. Click on the [OK] button to close the Page Colors and Background dialog box.

In Kompozer's main toolbar, click on the Table icon. In the Insert table dialog box that appears, move your mouse pointer to the number of columns and rows desired. In the example move your mouse pointer to the second column, fourth row (4 x 2) and click. The table will appear in Kompozer's main window.

Click on the table to select it, and in Kompozer's main menu select Table - Table Properties.... In the Table Properties dialog box that appears, set the table width to 700 pixels, and set the Border and Spacingsettings; Border, Spacing, and Padding to 0. In the Table Alignment drop-down list, select Center. Click on the [Background Color] button, and in the Table Background Color dialog box that appears, choose a color for the table's background (in this example white). Click on the [OK] button to close the Table Background Color dialog box. Click on the [OK] button to close the Table Properties dialog box.

To join the top two table cells into one, put the mouse pointer in the first cell and press the left mouse button while dragging the mouse pointer to the second cell, then release. In Kompozer's min menu, select Table - Join Selected Cells. Do the same thing with the table's bottom two cells.

Double-click in the top table cell and in the Table Properties dialog box that appears, on the [Cells] tab, click on the [background Color] button. In the Cell background Color dialog box that appears, select a color for the cell's background (in this example black). Click on the [OK] button to close the Cell background Color dialog box. Click on the [OK] button to close the Table Properties dialog box. Do the same thing with the table's bottom cell.

Note the tabs on the left side of Kompozer's main window. You can use the mouse to drag the edges of those tabs to resize the table's cells to give you more room to work within a cell. Note a similar arrangement of tabs on the top of Kompozer's main window which allows you to resize the width of table columns.

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