IEEE 802 Standards Specify the Basics of Physical and Logical Networking
By Stephen Bucaro
The (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is an organization
that defines standards for electronics, communications, and computing. It is
also a predominant organization in defining networking standards. The IEEE 802
series of standards define basic physical and logical networking. Below is a
summary of the IEEE 802 series of standards.
802.1 |
LAN/MAN Bridging |
Defines the capability to permit or deny network connectivity. Covers MAC-based
bridging (Media Access Control), virtual LAN access and port-based access control.
Covers applying traffic policy based on user or machine identity. |
802.2 |
Defines the LLC (Logical Link Control). Defines the LLC (Logical Link Control)
The LLC is the top sub-layer in the data-link layer, OSI Layer 2. Interfaces with
the network Layer 3. |
802.3 |
Ethernet |
Ethernet - Covers networking using CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with
Collision Detection). |
802.4 |
Token Bus |
Defines media access control for token passing bus networks. With a token bus,
the endpoints of the bus do not form a ring. |
802.5 |
Token Ring |
Covers the original token-passing standard that was developed by IBM. The token
circulates around the ring. Defines token ring media access control. |
802.6 |
Defines DQDB (Distributed Queue Dual Bus), a table-free routing technique that
offers high-speed packet switching for Metropolitan Area Networks. |
802.7 |
Broadband |
Defines broadband local area networks using coaxial cable. This standard was
developed for cable Internet companies. |
802.8 |
Fiber Optics |
Defines a LAN standard for fiber optic media practices for use in fiber optic
token passing computer networks like FDDI. |
802.9 |
Integrated Services |
Defines standards for integrated voice and data access over existing Category 3
twisted-pair network cable installations. |
802.10 |
Secure Data Exchange |
Defines SDE (Secure Data Exchange) protocol, an interoperable LAN security standard
for functions such as key management, access control, data confidentiality and data
integrity that can be used in local area networks and metropolitan area networks. |
802.11 |
Wireless Access Control |
Defines Wi-Fi ("Wi-Fi" having no meaning except being derived from a logo created
by a company named Interbrand to use as an interoperability seal and for marketing.
Specifies Wireless LAN Media Access Control and Physical Layer specification. 802.11a,
b, g, etc. are amendments to the original 802.11 standard. |
802.12 |
High Speed Networking |
Defines the Demand Priority access method. which increases Ethernet data rate to 100
Mbps by controlling media utilization. |
IEEE standards are created by Working Groups. A PAR (Project Authorization Request) is submitted
by an IEEE-SA Standards Association member, (IEEE-SA is an organization within IEEE that develops
standards). With PAR approval, a Working Group is defined (working groups are open to anyone to
participate) and it works to develop a standard. When a standard is complete and it is no longer
being updated or seeing wide use, the working group is disbanded.
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