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Free eBook: IPv6 Addressing

IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) is the part of the TCP/IP protocol that is responsible for addressing packets. It uses a 32-bit address scheme which allows for a maximum of just over 4 billion addresses. With all the devices connected to the Internet today, all the addresses are quickly being used up.

IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6), is a standard for a 128-bit IP address. It allows for a maximum of about 340 trillion, trillion, trillion addresses. The switch to IPv6 is now underway. In this free eBook, Aaron Balchunas describes IPv6 and how to configure it to work along side IPv4. Learn which protocols will need to be updated to work with IPv6. Learn how to configure IPv6. The conversion is now underway, best to start learning now.


IPv6 Basics
The IPv6 Address
The IPv6 Prefix
The IPv6 Interface ID and EUI-64 Format
The IPv6 Address Hierarchy
Special (Reserved) IPv6 Addresses
Reserved Addresses - IPv4 and IPv6 Compatibility
Link-Local IPv6 Addresses
Site-Local IPv6 Addresses
Aggregate Global IPv6 Addresses
Multicast IPv6 Addresses
Common IPv6 Multicast Addresses
Site-Local Scope Multicast Addresses
Required IPv6 Addresses
IPv6 Addresses and URLs
The IPv6 Header
Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) and ICMPv6
Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) and ICMPv6 (continued)
Autoconfiguration of Hosts
Configuring IPv6 Addresses
Configuring IPv6 Static Routes
Configuring IPv6 RIPng
Configuring IPv6 OSPF (OSPFv3)
Configuring IPv6 BGP
Configuring an IPv6 Tunnel

Click here to download free IPv6 Addressing eBook now.

This Free eBook is in .ePub format. If you don't have a tablet (like the Nook) capable of reading .ePub format, You can get the Firefox EPUBReader Extension which let you read .ePub documents in the Firefox browser.

This material is provided free of charge by bucarotechelp.com with permission of it's author. For seven years Aaron Balchunas was a Cisco CCNA, CCNP, and CCSP instructor for Baker College in Michigan. He is co-owner of Simpli-Tech, Inc., a network consulting company. Additional material may be found at Aaron's website Router Alley.

More Networking Protocols and Standards:
• WAN Network Protocols - DSL, SONET, HDLC, DWDM, DLSW+
• Free eBook: IPv6 Addressing
• Representation of IPv6 Addresses
• NTP Server Systems - The Network Time Protocol
• IPv6 Prefix Length Notation
• Remote Control Protocols
• What Is Fabric Networking?
• IP version 6 (IPv6) Advantages and Implementation
• Evolution of the Microsoft NOS (Active Directory)
• IPv4 Datagram Fields

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