Online Color Coded Resistor Calculator
To determine the resistance value of a color-coded resistor, select the colors matching each band from the drop-down lists. More ...
What is an Ethernet Crossover Cable?
When connecting two computers together without a switch or router in between you need a special cable, called a crossover cable, that has the transmit wire pair swapped with the receive wire pair. More ...
Introduction to Windows PowerShell
PowerShell is a more powerful replacement for the command shell. this article explains how to run PowerShell and how to create and run PowerShell scripts. More ...
Inkscape Grouping
One function in Inkscape that is very handy is grouping. Without grouping in order to reposition an object we would need to select all its pieces. With grouping, all an object's pieces behave as a single object. More ...
Inkscape Basic Fill
In Inkscape you can fill a shape with just about any color, texture, or pattern that you desire. In this article we discuss how to fill a shape with a basic color. More ...
Inkscape Exercise: Draw Photorealistic Sphere
Although Inkscape is a 2D drawing application, it is quite capable of drawing photorealistic 3D images. To demonstrate this capability, in this article I show you, step-by-step how to draw a photorealistic sphere. More ...
Windows Event Logs for Maintaining or Troubleshooting Your PC
Your PC keeps logs of everything that happens. You can use the information in these logs to help maintain and troubleshoot and your PC. More ...
Fundamentals of Windows Security
Today, criminals are more sophisticated, and groups have formed with significant financial backing to support the wrong doings of these groups. This book is for system administrators, cybersecurity and technology professionals, solutions architects, or anyone interested in learning how to secure their Windows-based systems. More ...
Create a Cool Picture Frame Effect with CSS
By setting the CSS border-color property to a transparent color, and setting the background-origin property to border-box you can create a cool picture frame effect. More ...
Self-Esteem and Success
A person with high self-esteem believes that they are a worthwhile and important person. A person with low self-esteem believes that others are better than them, and that they deserve to treated badly by others. More ...
Easy CSS Animated Flaming Text
I provide easy code to create CSS flaming text animations. You are free to experiment with your own CSS property values. I bet you can create even better flaming text. CSS3 flaming text animations are fun and easy to create. More ...
Introduction to HTML
A Web server sends the response to the client browser with a set of instructions written in HTML (HyperText Markup Language). HTML consists of tags that define the structure of a web page. It is the standard markup language for documents to be displayed in a web browser. More ...
Regular Expression: Alternation
In this article you learn how to create an alternation regular expression that will match alternate patterns in a string. More ...
Inkscape Text on Path
One of the most amazing things Inkscape can do, and one of the easiest, is to place text on a curved path. You can even make the text go in a circle. More ...
Independent Contractor Agreement Template
This is a template for an Independent Contractor Agreement. It contains a series of boxes. Each box does not contain the final text of the agreement. Instead, each box contains a description or suggestion of the type of information that you should type into the box. More ...
Fiber Optic Bend Radius Standards
Fiber optic cable can be damaged by placing too much tension on the cable or bending the cable excessively during installation. Excessive bending or too much pulling force can permanently damage the fiber by causing micro cracks. More ...