Can Enterprise Applications Be Made Using HTML5? by Pankaj Murthy

Enterprise applications help businesses to solve a wide array of enterprise problems. These applications need to be integrated with other applications used by the business. At the same time, the enterprise applications must be deployable across internet, intranet and corporate networks without compromising security and administrative functions. That is why; businesses often find it a daunting challenge to build a custom app the complement the latest trends in enterprise application. While developing an enterprise app, developers also need to focus on its features and functionality, and choose the right technologies.

Several surveys have indicated that a gradual increase is being noted in the number of enterprise app developers migrating to HTML5. As a programming markup language, HTML5 makes it easier for programmers to create enterprise apps that are compatible with both web and mobile browsers. Also, they can use HTML5 to boost the functionality and performance of the enterprise application without using any third-party tools. There are also a number of reasons why HTML5 is currently used widely by programmers for building robust enterprise applications.

Advantages of Using HTML5 for Enterprise Apps

Rich and Interactive User Experience

While creating rich internet applications, programmers earlier have to use Microsoft Silverlight or Adobe Flash to interact with user's system. But these tools require users to install plug-ins to enjoy the interactive experience. HTML5 enables programmers to create enterprise apps that deliver rich and interactive user experience without using any additional tools or plug-ins.

As it is designed with the capability to store and retrieve files from the user's system, the enterprise application can access and manipulate files from any HTML5-compatible web browsers. The feature helps developers to create an enterprise app compatible with a variety of devices.

Native Support for Audio and Video

Nowadays audio and video have become an integral part of business communication. So businesses want their enterprise apps to deliver rich media content in a continuous and smooth way. HTML5 enables developers to make the rich media content accessible without using any third-party tools and media players.

They can simply use the HTML5 <video> and <audio> tags to make the content accessible on a variety of devices. Also, they can easily customize the video clips by defining the tag's attributes like source, height, width and autoplay. The feature will further enable users to access the audio or video without draining the batteries of their smartphones or tablets.

Clean and Organized Code

HTML5 further allows programmers to write semantic code by keeping content and style separate. They can further build enterprise applications by writing clean, organized, readable and descriptive code using a number of tags like <header>, <footer>, <section>, <nav>, <aside> and <article>. These tags further help programmers to organize CSS more efficiently.

At the same time, they can also use a W3C spec called ARIA to assign specific role to these HTML5 tags. So the mobile and web browsers can examine the HTML5 document thoroughly, and deliver high quality content to end-users.

Secure and Local Storage System

The enterprise apps must allow users to access business data and resources. So the programmers need to ensure that the security and accessibility of the business data is not compromised. HTML5 enables developers to use a local storage system that acts like a client-side database, while being more secure than cookies.

The local storage system allows developers to store information directly in the user's browser without using any third-party tools. So it becomes easier for the programmers to add several features to the enterprise app like ability to cache data, store user information, and load the user's previous application state.

Optimize the Enterprise App for Mobile Devices

Nowadays most professionals access enterprise apps on their smartphones, tablets and phablet. So each organization needs to ensure that its enterprise app works seamlessly with various devices and browsers. HTML5 is designed with features to effectuate development of mobile-friendly websites and web applications.

The programmers can simply use meta-tags like full screen browsing, viewport, and home screen icon to optimize the enterprise for mobile browsers. The responsive website design will help users to access the enterprise from their existing devices.

Offline Application Cache

Many professionals nowadays work in a distributed environment or outside the business premises. There are also chances that the professionals have to access the enterprise app without having any internet connectivity. The traditional caching mechanisms do not allow users to access information without connecting their devices to the internet.

But HTML5 enables users to view the pages opened by them previously without reconnecting to the internet. While developing the enterprise app, programmers can specify the files that browsers need to cache. The offline application cache mechanism further help them to boost the user's experience by allowing offline browsing, faster page loading, and reduced stress on the web server.

Geo-location API

Many organizations even want enterprise apps that can be used across different regions. The app needs to provide relevant and customized information to professionals according to their current geographic location. Companies offering HTML5 development services have their developers to create global enterprise applications using a geo-location API.

HTML5 makes it easier for developers to create global enterprise applications using a geo-location API. The API can identify the current location of the user as based on his IP address, wireless network connection, cell phone tower or GPS information.

Once it identifies the exact location of the user, the API will send the information directly to the enterprise app. Thus, the user will see the relevant information on his browser without changing the configuration or settings.

Several Responsive HTML5 Frameworks

The developers also have option to use a number of HTML5 frameworks to reduce the time and effort required for developing enterprise applications. For instance, they can use Twitter Bootstrap to develop user interface or responsive websites rapidly. Likewise, they can use Foundation to rapidly prototype the enterprise app, and create responsive apps by targeting many devices.

Based on the requirements of the project, they also have option to use Skeleton, HTML5 Boilerplate, HTML Kickstart or SproutCore. Along with speeding up enterprise application development, these frameworks further help programmers that can be maintained and updated without putting any extra time and effort.

While creating an enterprise application, programmers have the option to choose from several technologies and programming languages. There are also chances that HTML5 may not be used exclusively for creating applications that can solve the required enterprise problems. So they must combine HTML5 with other web technologies to create an enterprise app that will help the business to solve problems in the longer run.

Pankaj is an avid HTML5 enthusiast. You could know more about his views at All About Web

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