Java Script alert Message Box
By Stephen Bucaro
In Java Script programming, there are many occasions when you need to display
a short message to the user, or request a bit of information from the user.
In these instances, you can use a message box.
Java Script provides three types of message boxes, the alert, confirm, and
prompt. They are all easy to create and use.
• These message boxes are "modal" dialog boxes, meaning that
program flow halts while the message box is visible. The user is unable to use
the page that spawned the message box until they click on a button to close the
message box. This may be disruptive to the user. You can also design your own
custom message box, which you may or may not choose to make modal.

The alert message box presents a message with a single [OK] button to
dismiss the message box. Example code to create an alert message box is shown below.
Instead of a text string for the message, you could use a variable name. The
alert function will automatically convert the value in the variable for
display, making the alert a handy tool for script debugging.
More Java Script Code: • Java Script confirm Message Box • Java Script Events • The while Loop • JavaScript Character Escape Sequences • JavaScript .big and .small to Change Text Size • Java Script Math.tan Method • Cookie Power Made Easy • The Screen Object • Include a Quote Character in a String • Use Escape to Replace Dangerous Characters