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The break Statement

The break statement provides you with a means of exiting a loop early. The break statement is commonly used to exit a loop when a value has reached or exceeded a set limit, or when searching through an array, when you've found the data for which you were searching.

The example below increments the variable x each time through the loop. Within the loop is an if statement that tests if x is greater than 8, and if so, executes a break statement.

var x = 0;
while (x < 12)
  if(x > 8) break;
alert("loop exited when x = " + x);

The example below searches the day array for the day name "Wednesday", and, upon finding it, executes a break statement to end the loop.

var day = new Array("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday",
var index = 0;
while(index < day.length)
  if(day[index] == "Wednesday") break;
alert("Found " + day[index]);

Remember if you code nested loops, a break statement in an inner loop will not cause program flow to also exit an outer loop.

var x = 0;
var y = 0;
while(y < 12)
  while (x < 3)
    if(y > 3) break;
alert("loop exited x = " + x + " y = " + y);

In the example above, the inner loop contains a break statement to cause it to exit when y is greater than 3, but it exits only the inner loop, the outer loop continues to increment y.

More Java Script Code:
• Comparison Operators
• Java Script confirm Message Box
• Java Script Math.sin Method
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• Define Lines in a String
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• Use moveBy Method to Move Window by a Specific Offset
• The Navigator Object
• The Document Object Model (DOM)
• A Brief History of JavaScript

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