Troubleshooting the Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS) Protocol
By Edward Tetz
Troubleshooting issues with the Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS)
protocol is once again pursued thru an investigation of the show and debug
commands and their options.
Viewing the show options
To start, here are the different options available in the show command:
Router2#show isis ?
* All IS-IS address families
database IS-IS link state database
hostname IS-IS Dynamic hostname mapping
ipv6 IS-IS IPv6
lsp-log IS-IS LSP log
mesh-groups IS-IS mesh groups
neighbors IS-IS neighbors
rib ISIS local RIB information
route IS-IS level-1 routing table
spf-log IS-IS SPF log
topology IS-IS paths to Intermediate Systems
Among these options are several with useful information, most notably database, neighbors, route, and topology.
The output of the topology command is shown, notice that it includes both Level 1 and Level 2 routers,
which both of the referenced routers are members of, because they were created with the default options on
router isis. Router2 sees that the router Router1 is found on interface Fa0/0. So, with
the topology command, you can see neighbors and further, whereas the neighbors command would
only show adjacent routers.
Router2#show isis topology
IS-IS paths to level-1 routers
System Id Metric Next-Hop Interface SNPA
Router2 --
Router1 10 Router1 Fa0/0 0017.e0c9.b7b0
IS-IS paths to level-2 routers
System Id Metric Next-Hop Interface SNPA
Router2 --
Router1 10 Router1 Fa0/0 0017.e0c9.b7b0
Looking at debug options
Finally, you look at the debug options, which are similar to the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
debug command. Depending on the types of problems you are experiencing, you may want to focus on different
parts of the IS-IS protocol, such as adj-packets, protocol-errors, or spf-statistics.
Router2#debug isis ?
adj-packets IS-IS Adjacency related packets
authentication IS-IS packet authentication
checksum-errors IS-IS LSP checksum errors
local-updates IS-IS local update packets
nsf IS-IS Non-Stop Forwarding
protocol-errors IS-IS LSP protocol errors
rib IS-IS IP Routing Information Base
snp-packets IS-IS CSNP/PSNP packets
spf-events IS-IS Shortest Path First Events
spf-statistics IS-IS SPF Timing and Statistic Data
spf-triggers IS-IS SPF triggering events
update-packets IS-IS Update related packets
This is an excerpt from
Cisco Networking All-in-One For Dummies.

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