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Set the Font Slant

Using the CSS skew transform you can set a font's slant angle. To do this, each letter of a word or sentence is placed in a span element, and a class defining the transform is applied to each span.

At this time, the transform property is not supported in all browsers, but Firefox supports the -moz-transform property, and Internet Explorer supports the -ms-transform property. The syntax of the skew transform is shown below:

transform: skew(x-angle, y-angle)

The x-angle is the amount of back slant the letter or digit will have. To give a letter or digit a forward slant you would use a negative x-angle. You would set the y-angle to 0 or, for an even more crazy slant effect, set the y-angle to a non-zero value.


Show below is the code for the slanted text shown above:

<style type="text/css">
-moz-transform: skew(30deg, 0deg); /* Firefox */
-ms-transform: skew(30deg, 0deg); /* IE 9 */

<span class="slant">H</span>
<span class="slant">E</span>
<span class="slant">L</span>
<span class="slant">L</span>
<span class="slant">O</span>

More CSS Quick Reference:
• Use an Embedded Style Sheet
• Use Inline Style
• Set the Word Spacing
• Use word-wrap Property to allow Line Breaks in the Middle of Words
• How to Define and Apply a Style Class
• Grouped Selectors
• Set the Letter Spacing
• Set an Element's Margin
• nth-child Selector
• Set the Text Case

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