Using del and ins Tags to Mark Up Editing on HTML Page

As society moves away from printed documents and towards online webpages, a way is needed to mark deletions and insertions on html pages similar to was done on paper documents. That's where the del and ins html tags come in. Deletions are placed withing del opening and closing tags, insertions are placed within ins opening and closing tags.

Shown below is an example of code using the del and ins tags.

The Engineering department <del>recommends</del>
<ins>requires</ins> that the leads be soldered rather
than crimped.

In the browser, the del tag strikes through the text within, and the ins tag underlines the text within, as shown below.

The Engineering department recommends requires that the leads be soldered rather than crimped.

What Happened to the strike and u Tags?

The strike tag does exactly the same thing as the del tag. The u tag does exactly the same thing as the ins tag. However, both the strike and u tag were deprecated with HTML 4.0. Deprecated means their use is not recommended because they may not be supported in future browsers.

Why were the strike and u tag deprecated in preference for the del and ins tags? Is the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) attempting to make all html tags three characters? That's the kind of decisions you get from a committee. They say a committee of eleven people can accomplish something - if ten of them don't show up!

Shown below is an example of code using the strike and u tags.

The Engineering department <strike>recommends</strike>
<u>requires</u> that the leads be soldered rather
than crimped.

The Engineering department recommends requires that the leads be soldered rather than crimped.

The W3C says the strike and u tags are not supported in HTML5. Well, they may not be supported in the HTML5 specification but the three main HTML5 compatible web browsers DO support strike and u. Over the years I've found that new browser versions always support long deprecated html tags. So if you have documents that would require lots of work to replace strike and u tgs with del and ins tags, I wouldn't bother.

Prefer to Use CSS For Text Settings

Nowadays CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is preferred for most text specifications. Shown below are style rules that can accomplish the same thing as the del and ins tags, and CSS rules are less likely to be deprecated in the future.

The Engineering department <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">recommends</span>
<span style="text-decoration: underline;">requires</span> that the leads be soldered rather than crimped.

The Engineering department recommends requires that the leads be soldered rather than crimped.

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More HTML Code:
• Keywords Meta Tag Generator
• Using del and ins Tags to Mark Up Editing on HTML Page
• HTML center Tag
• HTML SPAN Basics
• Can Enterprise Applications Be Made Using HTML5?
• How to Use a Meta Redirect
• Use fieldset to Organize Form Elements
• Make an HTML Element Editable
• How to Debug HTML
• Use Meta Tags for Search Engine Optimization