Use Datalist Tag to Specify Pre-defined Text for Input Element
By Stephen Bucaro
Auto Brand
The HTML5 <datalist> element allows the designer to provide a list of suggested
values for a text input box. If the user doesn't like any of the items in the list,
they can still type their own text into the text box. Example code for a datalist is
shown below.
<datalist id="autobrand">
<option value="Fiat-Chrysler">
<option value="Ford Motor Company">
<option value="General Motors">
<option value="Tesla Motors">
<option value="Toyota Motor Company">
<label for="autobrand">Auto Brand <input type="text" list="autobrand" name="autobrand"></label>
Use the list attribute in the <input> element to associate it with the id
of its respective datalist .
Note the datalist is similar to the select list, except the select list does not
allow the user to enter a value not in the list.
More HTML Code: • HTML abbr and acronym Tag• Make an HTML Element Editable• HTML5 role Attribute• The Heading Tags• HTML Numbered or Ordered List• HTML Bulleted or Unordered List• Web Color Names Table• Image Map Basics• HTML Definition List• HTML Linking Basics