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The Heading Tags

Html provides a set of heading tags that allow you set the size of the text in your headings and subheadings. The size ranges from <h1> to <h6>. Shown below is examples of the use of the html heading tags.

<h1>Heading Size 1</h1>

Heading Size 1

<h2>Heading Size 2</h2>

Heading Size 2

<h3>Heading Size 3</h3>

Heading Size 3

<h4>Heading Size 4</h4>

Heading Size 4

<h5>Heading Size 5</h5>
Heading Size 5
<h6>Heading Size 6</h6>
Heading Size 6

<h1> defines the top most heading, <h2> defines the first level subheading, <h3> defines the second level subheading, and so on. The problem with the heading tags is that <h1> makes quite a large heading, probably larger than you want. Of course, you could use <h3> as your top heading, but when search engine robots scan a webpage, they place a higher value on an <h1> heading than a <h3> heading.

You could solve this problem by nesting a font tag inside the heading tag as shown below. But don't forget that as the H sizes go up, the character size gets smaller, whereas as the font size goes up, the character size gets larger.

<h1><font size="4">Heading Size 1</font></h1>

The heading tag has one attribute; align, which can be set to "left", "center", or "right". You can use this attribute with align="center" as shown below to center your heading.

<h3 align="center">Heading Size 3</h3>

Heading Size 3

More HTML Code:
• HTML Linking Basics
• Form Input Labels
• Line Breaks in HTML
• Most Usefull ASCII Character Code Entities
• HTML Numbered or Ordered List
• The HTML BODY tag
• Add an Image to a Web Page
• HTML dfn Tag
• Text Features

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