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The continue Statement

While the break statement completely terminates a loop, causing program flow to exit the loop, the continue statement terminates only one iteration of a loop, skipping the rest of the code in the loop’s body and returning program flow to the loop control statement at the top of the loop.

for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
  if(i == 2) continue;
  document.write("The value of i is: " + i + "<br />");

The code above will write every value of i from 1 to 4 except 2 because when the value of i is 2, the continue statement causes the document.write statement to be skipped.

In loops that contain a large block of code, if you know a certain value in an iteration does not require processing by that block of code, you can use the continue statement to skip that code and move on to the next iteration of the loop.

More Java Script Code:
• The Navigator Object
• The Browsers History Object
• Java Script Events
• Java Script Math.sin Method
• Accessing Web Page Elements
• The Conditional Operator
• Determine Absolute Value
• The for Loop
• The Screen Object
• Window Object Properties and Methods

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