JavaScript Math Object
By Stephen Bucaro
The JavaScript Math object gives you powerful routines that let you find Square root,
logarithms, raise a number to a power, perform trigonometric functions and much more. In addition
it provides several properties, such as the value of natural logarithm e, and the value of pi.
Math Object Properties
Property | Value | Description |
Math.E | 2.718281828459045091 | Natural log |
Math.LN2 | 0.6931471805599452862 | Natural log of 2 |
Math.LN10 | 2.302585092994045901 | Natural log of 10 |
Math.LOG2E | 1.442695040888963387 | Base-2 log of e |
Math.LOG10E | 0.4342944819032518167 | base-10 Log of e |
Math.PI | 3.141592653589793116 | pi |
Because these properties return their values, you can use them like constants in your
mathematical expressions. For example, to obtain the circumference of a circle whose diameter is d,
use the statement below:
circumference = d * Math.PI
Math Object Methods
Method | Returns |
Math.abs(value) | Absolute value |
Math.acos(value) | Arc cosine in radians |
Math.asin(value) | Arc sine in radians |
Math.atan(value) | Arc tangent in radians |
Math.atan2(value1, value2) | Angle of polar coordinates x and y |
Math.ceil(value) | Next integer greater than or equal to value |
Math.cos(value) | Cosine |
Math.exp(value) | Raise log e to the power of value |
Math.floor(value) | Next integer less than or equal to value |
Math.log(value) | Natural logarithm (base e) |
Math.max(value1, value2) | The greater of value1 or value2 |
Math.min(vallue1, value2) | The lesser of value1 or value2 |
Math.pow(vallue1, value2) | Value1 to the value2 power |
Math.random() | Random number between 0 and 1 |
Math.round(value) | value + 1 when value >= value.5 otherwise value |
Math.sin(value) | Sine in radians |
Math.sqrt(value) | Square root |
Math.tan(value) | Tangent |
Most Math object methods take one or two values as parameters, the only Math object method that
doesn't take a value as a parameter is the random method.
More Java Script Code: • Java Script Math.sin Method • JavaScript Operators • The Java Script Method • The continue Statement • The for Loop • The do/while Loop • Window onload Event • JavaScript Character Escape Sequences • Java Script Strings • Remove Blank Spaces From Ends of a String