How To Make Money From Your Blog

If you've been blogging and you're wondering how to make money from your blog, this video shows you how to make money from your blog.

1. Focus your blog. Be passionate about your blog's subject.

Don't expect to get rich right away. Some popular blogs report more than $40,000 per month in earnings, but unless you've got millions of visitors don't expect to make that much money right away.

2. Selling advertising is the top money making method with a blog.

AdSense is a service from Google that will place relevant ads from advertisers on your blog. If a reader clicks on your ad, you get paid. The downside of AdSense is that you don't get to choose who advertises or what you get paid. Some advertisers, like help you choose the advertisers you want and give you the right to set the price.

3. Write a product review that relates to your blog's topic.

Sites like will match you with a product. Stay credible, be honest, and don't post too many product reviews.

4. Sell your own merchandise.

For example put your logo or a catch phrase on a t-shirt or mug. One site that will create the product for you is

5. Get an Affiliate program.

You'll have a specific product advertised on your blog and if readers follow the link and buy it, you get a percentage of the sale.

6. Sell your own service or product.

Many bloggers use their blog to steer customers to a service they provide or a product they're selling.

7. Allow your readers to donate to your blog.

You're putting a lot of work into providing value information for your blog's readers, why not ask them to contribute? can put a donate button on your blog.

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More Make Money Blogging Ideas:
• How to Make Money with Your Blog
• What it Takes to Make Money Blogging
• How to Choose a Topic for Your Blog
• Three Surefire Strategies for Beginners to Make Money Blogging!
• How to Make Money with a FREE Blog
• Earn Money With a Recipe Blog
• How to Turn your Blog into a Home Business Money Maker
• Five Ways To Promote Your Blog Without Spending Money
• Easy Ideas of How to Make Money Online by Blogging
• 15 Web Sites that Pay for Writing