Publish Your Own eBook

Working Moms Find Dream Job in Book Publishing
Writing a book is the ultimate flexible job - you can use snippets of time to write - you can choose to do it part- or full-time. In the traditional approach, it takes no upfront capital, so why not consider the possibilities? Here's how to start. More ...

Repackage Public Domain Government Material into Saleable Information Products
If you've heard of the possibility of creating an information product using copyright-free government material, you may be unsure of the potential to get users to pay for something that you accessed without charge. Here are answers to the questions you may have, along with examples to get your creative juices flowing. More ...

Ebook Writing - Nine Tips on How to Write an Ebook the Easy Way
If you have ever thought about writing and publishing your own ebook, but thought it was too hard, think again. Just follow these simple tips and you can quickly and easily share your knowledge with the entire world (and make money online in the process). More ...

Writing eBooks - Why You Should Write eBooks for Your Niche Market
I reckon there's a lot of truth in the saying that there's a book inside everyone. In the context of internet marketing and, especially niche marketing, there is probably more than one. More ...

How to Protect Your Ebooks and Software from Being Stolen!
There are many systems that can lock your software or document, allowing you to control access to that file. But the problem arises with assuming that this will stop all theft? A well thought out, thorough protection system can deter theft, but it cannot stop it 100%. More ...

Seven Strategies for Finding Best-Seller Ebook Ideas
One of the biggest difficulties facing people who are getting into the ebook business for the first time is finding the right subject ideas for their ebooks. It's important that there's a market for the book. It's also important that you stick to the things you know, the things that interest you or the things you would enjoy researching. More ...

When it Comes to Pricing Your Ebooks
Are you having a difficult time pricing your ebooks? Don't feel bad, your not alone. Correctly pricing an ebook is like looking for a needle in a hay stack. There are many factors that come into consideration when pricing your ebooks. Two such factors are supply and demand. More ...

Make Profits from FREE e-Books
E-books are one of the most beneficial and easiest ways to make money on line - if you sell them. But how can you make profits from free e-books? This closely-guarded secret of the self-styled guru's has recently become easily achievable by just about anyone with something to say, and certainly by everyone who already has a e-book or other information product to sell. More ...

Social Site Marketing
In order for people to purchase your information product, they need to know that it exists. You can't rely on search engines to generate traffic to your sales page. Today the most popular way to promote any product is by using social sites. More ...

How to Price Your Ebook on Ebay for Maximum Profits
I'm sure you know it is getting more and more difficult to sell any kind of information products on ebay. Gone are the days when you could buy the resale rights from a product creator, put it on ebay and wait for the cash to roll in. It just doesn't happen anymore. More ...

Free Online Book Marketing for Authors
Free online book marketing for authors complements print book marketing and places your name, books, products and services in front of millions of customers, clients and web browsers to increase your income and save you money. More ...

How to Write an Ebook
The hardest part of writing is the first sentence. When you look at the whole project, it seems like an impossible task. That's why you have to break it down into manageable tasks. Think of climbing a mountain. You are standing at the foot of it and looking up at its summit vanishing into the clouds How can you possibly scale such an immense and dangerous mountain? More ...

How to Write a Cookbook
If you're like a lot of homemakers, you probably have a file or drawer full of cookbook recipes collected from family members and friends over the years. You just might have a goldmine sitting right there and don't even realize it. Have you ever considered taking all of those great recipes and putting them into a book? More ...

Where to Get Graphics and Photographs for Your eBook
With the resources and techniques described here, there's no reason you can't add charts, diagrams, illustrations, or photographs to add quality, usability, and value to your information product. More ...

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