Start Your Own Home Business

What Kind of Business Should I Start?
The desire to own a business is becoming more common as workers grow more frustrated with the economy and working in corporate America. If you're thinking about a business of your own but you're not sure what to start, here are several exercises to spark some ideas. More ...

Small Business Success Tips - Networking
Networking bears a striking resemblance to a barter system. You earn credit by helping as many people in your network as you can to fulfill their needs, and then when you have a need, all those people in your network will help you. More ...

Wise Ways To Multiply Your Home-Based-Business Sales
It is also much cheaper to keep an existing customer than to acquire a new one. With that in mind, here are a few ways to maintain the relationship and bring that customer back for more of what you have to offer. More ...

Small Business Success Tips - Promotion
Promotion is not the same as marketing. Promotion of a small business encompasses all methods of getting the word about your small business out into the community. Marketing, public relations, networking, advertising, press releases, and many more actions all are forms of promotion. More ...

Realistic Home Businesses
Did you know that more than half of all U.S. businesses are either based out of or started in a home? This book is for all of you who want to know where to begin in your quest for starting your own business. More ...

Business Startup Checklist
Use this comprehensive checklist to plan each step of your new business startup. You can use these steps as a guideline for completing all of the necessary business startup tasks. More ...

Home Office Deductions
Home office deductions are one of the perks of working from home, however, there are clear drawbacks too. Deducting your home office can increase your chances of getting audited. Additionally, by claiming your home office you can get taxed when selling your home. More ...

Business Start-up Analysis
Many entrepreneurs plunge into a business venture so blinded by the dream that they fail to thoroughly research the market, the business requirements, and legal matters related to the business idea. Before you invest time, effort, and money, use this checklist to determine the feasibility of your idea, to identify any problems, and to plan your business start-up properly. More ...

How to Name Your Business
This book takes inventors from idea development to marketing and sales covering everything from prototype development, getting patents and trademarks, finding funding, manufacturing, licensing and distribution. Here's what the author says about naming your business. More ...

How to Find a Unique Product Or Service
I would say the most frequently asked question from beginners about opening their own business is What should I sell? I then proceed to ask them, What interests and hobbies do you have? Most don't know how to answer that question because they cannot possibly envision how their own interests and hobbies could be turned into a business. More ...

Starting a Small Business - Twelve Questions to Consider
This article contains twelve questions that you should consider when starting a new business: 1. What is your product or service idea? 2. What geographic area will you serve? 3. What is your competition? 4... More ...

Keeping It In the Family
The failure rate of all start-up businesses is around the 90 percent mark. Add to that the fact that roughly 50 percent of all marriages end in divorce. So, what can YOU do to reduce the chances of becoming a statistic? More ...

Your Eight Step Guide To Home Employment
Opportunities exist for home employment in areas as diverse as telemarketing, selling insurance, data entry, typing, data conversion, copywriting, accounting, writing, editing and proof reading, web design, content development, Internet-based research for companies, graphic design and desktop publishing, programming, audio and video editing, and translation work. More ...

Choosing the Best Home Based Business for You
Do you want to start a homebased business, but aren't sure what's the best home based business for you? You're not alone! Lots of people have wished for their own work at home business. If you haven't decided yet here are a few factors to consider that might make your task a little easier. More ...

How to Make Your Product Idea a Reality
I often see entrepreneurs with an idea for a great product, but with little knowledge of the product design process. Here are a few tips on how to get through the design process more easily. More ...

Eight Ways to Make Money by Working From Home
More people nowadays are earning a very decent income by working from home and having their own part time or internet businesses. Before starting out, there are a few things you need to consider. Like what is my passion? What is my interest? What special skills do I have? More ...

Small Business Success Tips - Persistence
Starting a small business usually turns out to be harder than the owner anticipated. Almost all small businesses go through financial strains, especially when beginning, and take far more of the owner's time than he imagined he could supply. The only way to succeed is to persist. More ...

Small Business Success Tips - Delegating
According to many business coaches. One of the leading reasons that small businesses fail - is that the small business owner is unwilling or doesn't know how to delegate. So the question really becomes, how do you hire, and how do you delegate? More ...

Home Based Business - Making Money With Your Passions as Your Guide
Too many people jump into trying to make money online without being properly prepared. There are certain things you must learn to be successful. You cannot just drive in and expect to be able to be successful. More ...

Finding Your Home Business Niche
When some folks begin to think about a business of their own, they know in that very moment what kind they are going to start. Then, there are the rest of us... Knowing that we want to have a business of our own is not enough. Many of us have struggled with the important question of what type of enterprise we would like to start. More ...

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