The reality is that no legitimate company is looking for people to stuff envelopes for them. Legitimate envelope stuffing jobs do not exist. Envelope stuffing schemes are designed to take your money.
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Work at Home Stuffing Envelopes is a Scam

I know you want to believe it's true. You want to believe that a home job stuffing envelopes really exists and all you have to do is sign up and follow the instructions to make some easy money from your kitchen table. There was a time when I wanted it to be true also.

My first introduction to work at home income opportunities was answering an ad promising I could make some easy money stuffing envelopes from home. Wow. That's just what I was looking for - something that didn't take a lot of time and that I could do at my own pace and get paid nicely.

Well, I answered that ad and what I got back wasn't what I thought it would be. Basically, it was instructions about mailing out the same flyer the company had just sent me promoting their so called legitimate envelope stuffing program.


Okay, it's not exactly what I thought they were promoting. I mean, I thought I'd be getting information from a respectable business that needed someone with my "envelope stuffing skills" to do some extra work for them when needed. After all, direct mail is a huge industry and there's always literature that needs to be sent, right?

Folks, the reality is that no legitimate company is looking for people to stuff envelopes for them. This is just a myth, but it's a powerful one that keeps going and going, year after year.

At the time, I was still focused on making some easy money so I decided to go along with their instructions to mail out these flyers. Of course, there was a catch. While the company promoted this program as a free envelope stuffing job, in reality it was not free at all. I had to pay up front to order one of their mailing kits.

• I could order the basic kit - 100 flyers and 100 fresh mailing labels.
• I could order the deluxe kit - 200 flyers and 200 fresh mailing labels.
• I could order the premium kit - 500 flyers and 500 fresh mailing labels.

Of course, the more you ordered the more potential money you could make. Even so, I started out at the basic level - to see what would happen. I wish I could tell you I was skeptical, but I was excited about the orders I just knew were going to come in to the company with my affiliate ID plastered all over them.

I just knew the company was going to send me a big fat check for my efforts. I was so dumb at the time, I didn't even realize that even if I did make money, I would have to deduct the $100 or so I spent on flyers, labels, envelopes and postage. Needless to say, I didn't make one thin dime from that company. I'm pleased to report that the printing company who took MY order made out nicely,so did the US post office (for my generous stamp purchase).

If you are reading this article right now, you are probably searching the web looking for a company that offers envelope stuffing for no fee. Let me tell you right now that you're wasting your time.

Legitimate envelope stuffing jobs do not exist.
Envelope stuffing schemes are designed to take your money.

Unfortunately, the envelope stuffing scam is alive and well on the internet and continues to fool many otherwise smart people into believing that envelope stuffing jobs are something that will make them great money. Trust me, they will only cost you time and waste your hard earned money. You'll get similar results if you simply take two $50 bills, go to your bathroom, stand over your toilet, drop the bills into the toilet bowl and pull the handle down.

That's what these offers are worth ... CRAP.

Are you a mom looking to make money while you stay home with the kids? Are you stuck in your cubicle wishing you could make money doing something enjoyable instead of slaving away at a job you can't stand? Maybe a homebased business is right for you. Read my free review on some easy to start homebased business ideas now. (Message at hubpages: That page doesn't exist)

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