Specific Web Business Ideas

What is a Virtual Assistant?
The term "virtual assistant" defines the job as virtual. This means the work is done remotely, usually in the assistant's home office. This distinguishes this profession from a telecommuter who is an employee that is allowed to work remotely. More ...

Success With Style
Have you ever shopped for clothing or accessories and found something that you might have purchased if only the design was just a little different? If you have an eye for style, you can profit from the demand for stylish clothing and accessories. More ...

Networking Tips for the Virtual Assistant
The thought of networking may seem daunting. If you have never owned your own business before, you may be intimated at the thought of networking and trying to sell your services. Just keep the following tips in mind and you will find networking is pretty easy and can actually be fun. More ...

An Online Business Plan That Really Works
The fact is that most unsuccessful attempts to start an online business fail because they a. don't follow a plan of any kind - instead taking the shotgun approach or b. follow a faulty plan that is designed to make other people money. Here are ten steps to a proven online business plan. More ...

Work at Home as a Virtual Assistant
A virtual assistant is anyone who provides assistance to a company or individual from his or her home or alternate location via the internet. Rates will depend on your area of expertise and your experience. A sample wage range is $20 - $40 per hour. More ...

What is Domain Parking?
Domain parking refers to the registration of an Internet domain name without using that domain for a Web site. This may be done for legitimate reasons, or just to generate revenue. More ...

Five Mindblowing Methodologies to Draw More Virtual Assistant Clients Online
The more hours you can invoice as a virtual assistant, the more money you bring in. Here are a few marketing options to get additional virtual assistant jobs. More ...

Virtual Assistant Contracts
Some virtual assistants prefer to work only on retainer, while others use short-term and long-term contracts depending upon the client and their needs. You need to think about what services you want to provide and what terms are best for those types of services. More ...

Create Digital Children's Books
Computers seem to pique the curiosity of children. Some Web entrepreneurs have learned how to profit from this young audience - by creating children's ebooks. If you can tell stories that are interesting to children, you can tap this market too. More ...

How to Start Selling on Amazon
Selling on Amazon is a fairly straightforward process. Create an account. Select whether you want to ship the products yourself or use Amazon's fulfillment service. Add product listings. Once everything is set up, you're ready to make your first sale. More ...

Change Wood Into Gold
Today, everything is a cold plastic manufactured product. In the 'old days', everything was painstakingly hand-crafted from wood. People love the quality and warmth of hand-crafted wood products. If you like to work with your hands, you can profit from the demand for these products. More ...

How to Start and Maintain a Successful YouTube Career
The main way to earn money on YouTube is through YouTube running ads on your videos. One website reports that an average amount of money for 100,000 views is $10,000. More ...

Selling Shareware Online - Quick Start Guide
One day your write a cool software utility and decide to sell it on the Internet. Welcome to the club! We estimate that there are about 20000 active shareware companies at any given time in the world. Where to start? This article is covering the basic aspects of selling shareware online. More ...

Solve Small Problem Make Big Money
If it's a problem for you, chances are it's a problem for others too, and a good solution will sell like wildfire. Next time you find a solution for a small problem, remember Jeanette Benway's advice. More ...

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