Get Paid by Freelancing

Top Ten Tips for Preparing a Workshop or Seminar Proposal
One way to build your business is to create interest and interaction with potential customers or clients. Offering a workshop or a seminar is a great way to get started. More ...

Why Every Freelancer Should Have A Web Site
As a freelancer, when you are trying to reach new clients or stay in touch with old ones, how to approach the contact can be a sticky, confusing, discombobulating journey. Having a web site can solve all of these situations. More ...

Freelancing Secretarial Services
Today, more companies are open to offer freelance work than in the past. They are recognizing the benefits of outsourcing work to freelancers. The benefits for a freelancer include working from home, eliminating commuting, and having flexible hours to take care of children or elderly parents. More ...

Steps of a Project for a Freelance Web Builder
As a new freelancer, there is nothing scarier then starting your first project. This article will take a closer look at the steps you should follow when in charge of a project. More ...

Watch Out For Mystery Shopping Scams
Becoming a mystery shopper takes a little hard work and diligence. That is not to say that there are not scams out there. Here are the red flags for scam shopping companies. More ...

How to Write a Contract Addendum
A contract addendum is a document that is added to an existing contract to modify the terms of the agreement. It leaves the original contract in full force and modifies only the specific terms described in the addendum. More ...

The Seven Highly Effective and Profitable Habits of Successful Freelancers
I've been in publishing since 1987, have been a freelancer since 1993 Over the years, I've noticed that successful freelancers, eg, those who make their living entirely from freelancing (writing, editing, copywriting, web design, etc.), have the following seven traits in common. More ...

Do You Want to Be a Freelancer?
Listed here are some genuinely good tips and hints for you if you want to work at home as a self-employed person, or want to know what its all about. Ill also be including some Freelancing sites that I roam around on! Being a freelancer is one of the coolest things I've done so far online. More ...

Freelancers - Avoid That Audit
If you're a freelancer, avoiding an audit should always be on your mind as you file your taxes. Why? Because, no matter how straight you play it, freelancers get audited much more than salaried employees do. More ...

Working From Home - Mystery Shopping Jobs Provide Supplemental Income
Most people picture mystery shopping as sending a person into a business in person. Mystery shopping can take the form of a personal visit, telephone interviews, and web mystery shopping. In some cases, an in-person mystery shopping visit is videotaped through the use of a small camera. More ...

How to Make Five Bucks in Less Than Five Minutes
Making money on Fiverr is one of the easiest things you could ever do. They have tons of categories you can earn cash in. I guarantee you will find someway that you can contribute and start earning some extra money. More ...

Mystery Shopping
Mystery shopping, also known as secret shopping, is the method by which a store or a company evaluates its employees' performance. In this a person in disguise pretends to be a shopper, visits the store, interacts with the employees and assesses their ability to build a rapport with the customer in order to sell their products. More ...

My So-Called Freelance Life
If I was a freelancer, I would read this book all the way through, and then I would go back to the beginning and start re-reading a small section section each day, just like some people read the bible, because that's what this is; the freelancer's bible. More ...

Make Money While You Shop!
Mystery shopping has become a very lucrative home business for some. With good reason, reasonable hourly pay, free products/services and gas reimbursement! For those that are serious about mystery shopping, there is good money to be made. More ...

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