Portrait Photography
The market opportunities for Portrait photography are now so enormous, that they include every dwelling where you live. Everyone wants his or her photograph taken for some reason, or the other. Not only can you target every building, but also it is a type of business where repeat business potential is also enormous. More ...
Start a New Business by Getting Paid to Take Digital Photographs
Wherever in the world you live, you can make money using even the simplest digital camera! There is a massive online and offline demand for good quality pictures. So, where does the demand actually come from? More ...
Start Your Own Photography Business from Home
Anyone with the right camera equipment, and the necessary skills can set up a home business, marketing photography. You need only to convert a room of your house into an office, and then you can work immediately. More ...
Photography Marketing Tip - Eight Steps to Getting Free Exhibits of Your Photography
Most Photographers Don't Understand That The Backbone To The Photography Business, The 'Engine' If You Will, That Drives The Photo Business, Is Getting Lots And Lots Of Qualified People To Know You Exist, And To Call You Now. More ...
Photographing Animals in the Landscape
Wildlife photography is endlessly challenging and immensely rewarding. As a wildlife photographer, you will have to adapt your style to suit the subject and its surroundings. The possibilities are as endless as the amazing range of subjects to be found in our natural world. More ...
Female Photography in Focus
Female photography is made up of many varying styles of both commercial and artistic photographs of women. Many talented photographers have embraced this mode of photography to a point where they have established specialized businesses focussing only in this sector. More ...
How to Start a Photography Business that Works
Do you dream of making your photography hobby into a full-time job working for yourself? All you need is a place at home converted into a work space, and you are ready to setup and start working. You will also need to market yourself so people know what you do and how to find you. More ...
Three Easy Ways of Making Money With Photography Online
If you're a person that has the talent for taking extremely good photographs, and want to make a living out of it, you definitely can. Nowadays, people like you have found a good way in making money with photography online. Here are the three ways that you can earn money from the photographs you take. More ...
Are There Other Types Of Photography?
there are many avenues open to a professional photographer. Some actually graduate from the world of business into corporate photography. Corporate photography has many facets; it is used for publicity, in the form of advertisements; for public relations, for historical purposes, and for in-house brochures. More ...
Establishing a Successful Stock Photography Business on the Internet
In this book veteran stock photographer Rohn Engh shows part-time and professional photographers how to compete with the big agencies by using the Internet - the new frontier of stock photography sales. More ...
Wedding Photography at the Rehearsal Dinner - a Growing Trend
Wedding photographers have traditionally been hired to document marriage ceremonies and receptions. Unfortunately, the night before the ceremony is often neglected. Treasured moments are left to the fleeting memories of those in attendance. More ...
Wedding Photography
If there is one occasion that everyone wants to celebrate with photographs, it is their wedding. It is an occasion that every one wants a degree of professionalism, and many people want to ensure quality. Therefore there are many opportunities for a photographer to make money, if hey are willing to cover weddings. More ...
How to Break Into Photojournalism
Like many other fields out today, establishing a career in photojournalism takes time and effort. The following guidelines, however, will help you navigate through the process of becoming a professional photojournalist. More ...
Taking Baby Photos - for Professionals and Families
Babies make the best and the worst subjects to photograph. They are the best for two reasons, people are more tolerant at looking at baby photos, as well as the fact that babies are not aware their image is being captured, and therefore they do not tend to put on the 'camera face' so typically used by elder children and adults. More ...