Specific Home Business Ideas

How to Start a New Business in Party Plan Selling
The party plan business, like the direct-selling industry, is generally huge - more than $10 billion - though it is hard to come up with precise figures, because many people in direct-selling companies put on parties to sell their products even though they aren't officially considered a party plan company. More ...

Getting Started in Your Own Janitorial Cleaning Service
A janitorial cleaning service is one of the best businesses for a hardworking, blue collar person to start from scratch. With the overhead involved with hiring employees to provide janitorial services, it is convenient for a company to outsource to a commercial janitorial service provider. More ...

How to Start a Car Repair Business
If you're mechanically inclined and skilled at troubleshooting mechanical malfunctions in automobiles, you may be interested in starting your own car repair small business. Some mechanics specialize in particular types of automobile repair. Some do only oil changes and basic tune-ups, others work exclusively on exhaust issues or brake systems. More ...

Turn Seven Daycare Stressors into Blessings
A home daycare can be a rewarding profession for moms who want to stay at home with their own children. Yet, there may not be any other job that is more stressful. Be aware of the seven biggest stresses and turn them into blessings instead. More ...

How To Create Niche Information Products At No Cost To You!
The beauty about niche marketing is there are so many ways to make money, no matter which niche you are in. There are tons of products you can produce, and luckily, these products are usually pretty simple to put together. More ...

A Career in Wedding Planning
In our busy society it's no wonder so many couples turn to a professional wedding planner to ensure their wedding is as stress free as possible. As a wedding planner you can have a rewarding career that lets you use your creativity to organize the happiest day of people's lives. More ...

Establishing a Schedule for Your Home Child Care and Daycare Business
One decision you have to make when starting a home daycare business is what your daily schedule will look like. What hours should you be open? When should you serve snacks and meals? How should you structure your day? These can be hard questions. More ...

How to Start Your Own Line of Beauty Products From Home
Starting your own cosmetic business from home is the easiest way to become part of this multi-billion dollar industry. If you thinking that creating your own cosmetics line requires complex lab work, think again. You can make simple cosmetics right in your own kitchen. More ...

How to Run a Successful Home Sale Party
Give your Host an Open House Host Guide (Most Party Plans have these or make your own) and let them know how easy it can be to find guests among co-workers, friends, neighbors, relatives and many other places. Help with the guest list and urge the Host to ask each guest to bring at least one friend. More ...

Start Your Own Event Planning Business
Many people and organizations find that they lack the time and expertise to plan events themselves. They find it nesseccary to hire a professional event planner, a person who knows how to design an event, and do the myriad things needed to bring it off successfully. More ...

Start a Lucrative Online Coupon Co-op Site
More and more people today are back to clipping coupons. Starting a coupon co-op online for even just your area could not only be lucrative but also a lot of fun; adding more fuel to your own coupon addiction while helping others coupon more effectively. More ...

Be a Personal Trainer
A personal trainer works one-on-one with a client to develop their fitness and health. Many people are surprised at how lucrative is the personal trainer business. The first step to becoming a personal trainer is to get certification. More ...

Starting Your Home Based Tutoring Business
The idea of starting your own tutoring business seems like more of a good idea than ever. This article provides some ideas about places you can market your tutoring business. More ...

The Why and How to Make Soaps
There are several ways to make soaps, but if you're starting out, it will be understandable if you find some recipes difficult. But as with any activity, it takes practice before you can become a pro. Once you get used to the terms and become familiar with the stuff and materials used, soap making would be as easy as pie. More ...

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