Choosing a Picture Book Illustrator
Picture books are not easy to write. They must appeal to both the adult purchaser and the child. This book will teach the writing and revision process that will lead them to creating more salable picture book manuscripts. More ...
The $75,000 Writing Career
In the last decade and certainly in the past few years, downsizing in Corporate America has eliminated or scaled down many creative, marketing and communication departments. And in many cases, they're paying freelancers handsomely to pick up the slack. More ...
How to Break Through Writer's block
Every serious writer has dealt with writer's block at some point in their career and when they've leaned some ways to break through it, they have come out stronger on the other side. More ...
Six Ways to Break Into Food Writing
Publishers post guidelines for writers that require published clips to be sent with query letters. Writers cannot get published clips unless they've been published. Here are six ways to conquer that old Catch 22 and break into food writing. More ...
The Three Commandments of Writing a Children's Picture Book
Many beginners believe writing picture books are a breeze, but it requires a lot of skill to pack a story into a few words. If writing a picture book is your dream, here are some tips to consider before you begin. More ...
You Have a Great Idea for a Video Game - What Should You Do?
Maybe you have thought up a really neat and unique idea for a video game and you are thinking "If I can just get in touch with the right people I can sell it and make a lot of money. And I get to see my idea turned into a game that people will play. More ...
Why You Should Learn to Write For Children
Learn to write children's books and you'll create a recession proof income and lifestyle for you and your family. It's true! Thousands of ordinary people worldwide who are making full time income by writing books for children. More ...
A Ghostwriting Guide - Finding and Hiring Your Ghostwriter
Writing is hard work. At the end of the first draft of a book the writer is still much closer to the beginning of the process than the end. This article is about what you need to think about if you are thinking of employing a ghost-writer. More ...
How to Write Dialogue
Dialogue is an essential part of a story and writers strive to make sure the conversations written in stories, books, plays and movies sound as natural and authentic as they would in real life. More ...
Are You a Six-Figure Writer?
A recent survey conducted by the American Society of Journalists and Authors revealed that around seven percent of these freelance journalists earned $100,000 or more. Here are some tips to increase your income towards that six-figure mark. More ...
How to Analyze a Sentence
Analyzing a sentence and its components helps you understand the function of each of its nouns, verbs, and modifiers in the sentence so you can write better sentences. More ...
New Ways to Earn More Money as a Writer
One common theme among writers is how to make more money. The problem magazines are closing, Newspapers are cuting back on columnists, and magazines are cutting their stable of writers. Instead of fretting about doors shutting in our faces, why not focus on opening new doors. More ...
Market Your Writing The EEASY Way
Marketing your writing is a skill. The great news is that anyone can learn how to do it. I don?t care how shy, nervous or introverted you are, you can learn how to market your work and have great fun doing it. More ...
Time Management for Freelance Writers
In the world of telecommuting, at first, you'll love the idea of not having to punch in, but soon realize that you are on the clock round the clock. You don't punch in because you never really punch out; when you work at home, there's a danger that you'll never leave the office. More ...