How to Make Your Role Playing Game Enjoyable
Role Playing Games are extremely popular today. Using programs like RPG Maker can be a fun way to make games. Here are some tips to keep in mind when creating your first few RPGs. More ...
How to Create a Believable RPG (Role Playing Game) World
In the design of a role-playing game there is a significant challenge in creating a believable world for player characters to interact in. Time periods, religions, history, and other minutiae may be different. More ...
Earn $5,000 per Month in Residual Income from Market Intelligence Reports
The average industry reports are sold for $3,000 a piece and the authors (also called "researchers") earn 25 percent royalty out of the retail price. Thus, earning $5,000 per month is not impossible at all. In fact, it is a conservative estimate. More ...
How to Write a Fairy Tale
A fairy tale is a story set in a magical realm, with human characters as well as supernatural beings like fairys, witches and wizards. The heroes of these stories often face unnatural situations against evil villains. More ...
Four Tips to Help You Break Into Ghostwriting
Without a doubt the writing is rewarding, there is money to be made, and clients who need ghostwriting services are out there. But the big question for those starting out is: How do you break in? Here are four tips to help get you going. More ...
Nine Simple Steps to Productive Web Content Writing
An innovative webpage layout decked up with irrelevant content that does not convey any useful information will never draw good results. Hence, it is very important to ensure relevant web content that along with offering appropriate information, also follows these basic guidelines. More ...
25 Top Places to Publish Your Content and Market Your Business
If you're publishing your content in a only single place, you're missing out on a huge amount of exposure. You need to publish your contentt as widely as possible across a whole network of different content sites. Here's a list of 25 publishing platforms and content websites. More ...
You Can Publish Your Passion, Free
Anyone can now publish their passions by printing books, compact discs, photography or original artwork on posters and framed prints, or graphic designs for clothing and other products! It is automated so all the content, artwork, product selection, retail prices and profit margins are self determined. More ...
Five Ways to Shine as a Professional Writer
With the growth of social media and marketing techniques like online article marketing, it seems that everyone is a writer of one sort or another. I've read articles that claim anyone can write. But those of us who write for a living know that it isn't as easy as it sounds. With this new realm of competition at our doorstep, I've created a list of ways that can set you apart from those who are merely dabbling in writing. More ...
Blogging Your Way to an Online Income
Let's say your current blog is earning you $10 per week. Instead of having one site with $10 revenue per week, you have potential to have 100 sites each making $10 per week! When you start generating $10 per week for each new site your project will earn $1000 a week. More ...
How to Break Through Writer's block
Every serious writer has dealt with writer's block at some point in their career and when they've leaned some ways to break through it, they have come out stronger on the other side. More ...
Can Work at Home Moms Become Freelance Writers?
Working at home as a self-employed writer, known as a freelance writer is one of the most rewarding work at home jobs and now is becoming more popular with moms who are searching for a way to make money at home. More ...
Writing Picture Books - How to Captivate a Young Reader
Have you been thinking about writing a children's picture book? There's always a great demand for original, fresh childrens' books. Here's some tips on how to write an entertaining picture book for children to read, share, and learn from. More ...
Three Overlooked Keys to Making Outstanding Games
In my many years of independent game development and watching with other independent teams there are three main crucial points that I see young game developers completely miss over and over again. More ...