Get Paid for Writing

The Fastest Way to Earn Your First $1,000 as a Freelance Writer
Earning your first big chunk of cash as a professional freelance writer. It makes you feel like you made the right choice - like quitting your 9-to-5, branching out on your own and blazing your own path was the best thing you've ever done. More ...

How to Write a Cookbook
Writing a cookbook is often a dream of the passionate home cook, and even though the cookbook market is saturated, it is still one of the bestselling book markets because people love food and love imagining themselves making it. More ...

You Can Write Children's Books
If you've always enjoyed telling children stories, this book will guide you through the first steps - from writing them down to submitting them with confidence. From inspiration to publication, Tracy Dils shows you how to write the very best children's books and offers important tips for getting published. More ...

Where to Seriously Get Paid to Write Online
Websites or website owners need content for their sites therefor one way of generating income on the Internet is writing content for websites. More ...

11 Ways to Simplify Your Book Editing
After you've come up with a topic, brainstormed interesting angles and arguments and done all the writing, your book still isn't finished. Here are 11 ways to simplify your editing. More ...

How to Punctuate Dialogue
Dialogue is an important element of fiction because it gives a greater insight into characters and how they interact. However, before you use dialogue in your writing, it's important to know how to punctuate it. More ...

The $75,000 Writing Career
In the last decade and certainly in the past few years, downsizing in Corporate America has eliminated or scaled down many creative, marketing and communication departments. And in many cases, they're paying freelancers handsomely to pick up the slack. More ...

Ten Tips to Get Started Writing Your Book
Writing a book is so much easier when you approach it in small bites. As soon as you get these ten parts written you will be able to start asking more specific questions that become your chapter headings. More ...

How to Rewrite Someone Else's Story
You don't need to come up with your own story from scratch, there are tons of short stories out there that have potential, but they need you to give them a little improvement. More ...

The Freedom of Freelance
In our Internet connected world, with the right credentials you can be on the editorial staff of a major magazine or other publication and only go as far as the next room to sit down at your computer. More ...

You Have a Great Idea for a Video Game - What Should You Do?
Maybe you have thought up a really neat and unique idea for a video game and you are thinking "If I can just get in touch with the right people I can sell it and make a lot of money. And I get to see my idea turned into a game that people will play. More ...

Tips for Making Money Writing as a Freelancer
Working at home as a writer is one of the largest work at home categories. Starting your career as a work at home writer is as easy as doing some Internet research and applying for a job. There are many ways to break into the writing field, even if you have no previous experience. More ...

Five Ways to Shine as a Professional Writer
With the growth of social media and marketing techniques like online article marketing, it seems that everyone is a writer of one sort or another. I've read articles that claim anyone can write. But those of us who write for a living know that it isn't as easy as it sounds. With this new realm of competition at our doorstep, I've created a list of ways that can set you apart from those who are merely dabbling in writing. More ...

Market Your Writing The EEASY Way
Marketing your writing is a skill. The great news is that anyone can learn how to do it. I don?t care how shy, nervous or introverted you are, you can learn how to market your work and have great fun doing it. More ...

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