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Profit From Your Own Hollywood Gossip Rag

Despite the surge of spam and email-born viruses, people still love to sign up for free newsletters. Although there are hundreds of thousands of different free email newsletters, only a few make money for their owners. There are some that make hundreds of thousands of dollars each year for their owners. What's their secret?

As you know, the three secrets to success in real estate investing are location, location, location. Similarly, the three secrets to success in email newletter publishing are topic, topic, topic. You need to choose a topic that will appeal to the widest possible audience.

What topic has the widest appeal? For the answer to that question, you just have to ask "what are the the most popular television shows?": Access Hollywood, Celebrity Justice, Entertainment Tonight, Extra, and Inside Edition. The television networks have learned that Hollywood gossip is a money making topic with wide audience appeal.

Another source of market research is the most freqent search engine phrases. A recent report by Wordtracker listed the following as the most freqent phrases entered into search engines: "Paris Hilton","Britney Spears","Pamela Anderson", "Carmen Electra","Jessica Simpson" and "Janet Jackson". People are just wild about celebrities and Hollywood gossip.

Where do you get material for a Hollywood gossip newsletter? You don't need to hire a cadray of reporters. Just read the Hollywood gossip rags and watch the shows mentioned above. Don't plagerize material from these sources. Instead, restate the content of the material in your own words.

Important Note: Some gossip rags publish false stories, resulting in being sued many times for character defamation. If you simply restate these stories, you too can be sued for character defamation. For example, don't write "celebrity X was seen drunk and disorderly at a Hollywood party". Instead write "[name of source] reported that celebrity X was seen drunk and disorderly at a Hollywood party". This way you are not saying that "celebrity X was drunk and disorderly", you are saying that "[name of source] REPORTED that celebrity X was drunk and disorderly", which is entirely true.

Newsletter Publishing Tips

Keep your newsletter short and publish frequently; however, you don't need to publish on a regular schedule. For example, nobody will notice if you miss a week with a weekly issue.

Publish in HTML format, not text format. All modern email applications are capable of displaying HTML.

Don't put a "Contents" section at the top of your newsletter. If people don't see anything interesting in the Contents, they'll just delete your newsletter. Make them scan the entire newsletter (including the advertising).

If you have an accompanying website, put only the first paragraph of each story in the newsletter, with a link back to your website for the rest of the story. Make sure the first paragraph is written to "hook" them into visiting the website.

Most newsletters are published on Monday or Tuesday. Don't let your newsletter get lost in the crowd. Publish on Wednesday through Friday.

Post information about your newsletter in newsletter lists and directories.

How to Make Money With a Hollywood Gossip Rag

The number of subscribers to your Hollywood gossip newsletter is sure to grow rapidly, and the more subscribers you have, the more you will be able to charge to run ads in your newsletter. To fill unsold advertising inventory, join affiliate programs that sell products and services of interest to people who are interested in Hollywood gossip.

The secrets to success in email newletter publishing is to choose a topic that will appeal to the widest possible audience. The television networks have learned that Hollywood gossip is a money making topic with wide audience appeal.

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