By using these six tips to personalize your eBay transaction, you'll make it more pleasurable and memorable for the customer, and chances are, they will visit your auctions and buy from you again.
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Six Tips to More eBay Profits

1. Create an "About Me" page and link to it from your auctions. Personalize your About Me page and tell your visitor a little about you. Include a photo of yourself if possible, this helps the bidder feel you're "real". Link to your other auctions from this page as well, and if you have a website, you can link to it too.

You can also put affiliate links on your About Me page to point your visitors to other products, ezines, sites, that you feel they may be interested in. This way if they follow the link and make a purchase, you earn a commission.

For example, you could put something like: "Get Auction Riches News delivered weekly" and link to that text using your affiliate ID.

2. Offer a shipping discount if bidders purchase more than one item from you. This will encourage them to check out your other auctions and increase your chances of selling more to them. Include an easy to find link in your auction description that leads to your other auctions. You may have something for sale they didn't know they wanted!

3. Invite your auction visitor to join your mailing list. You can send out occassional emails pertaining to your new auction listings, industry news concerning any items you specialize in, use affiliate links to information on products or websites that they may be interested in, etc. Include a subscription box or link on your About Me page and also mention it in any emails you may send to them. An email list is VERY valuable so use every opportunity to build it, but only put people on your mailing list if they choose to be put there. Spamming is not only against eBay rules... it's just plain rude.

4. Email your customer after you've shipped the item and let them know it has shipped and how. Let them know if they have any problems or don't receive the item, to please contact you. This would be a good time to let them know that their positive feedback is appreciated and will be reciprocated. They will appreciate your attentiveness.

5. Always make sure you include a slip of paper with the items you ship. It should contain a short "Thank You" for their purchase, your eBay name, eBay Store name, website address, contact information, etc. You may even want to include an advertisement or discount coupon for something else you sell. You'd be surprised how this can not only increase your feedback rate, but your customer return rate as well.

You can print these out on your home printer or better yet, do what I do and have business cards created with all the pertinent info. They are more likely to hold on to a business card than a piece of paper. I get my business cards online Free at

6. Once you leave feedback, you can send your customer an email letting them know that you left them positive feedback. Thanking them once again for their business and inviting them to visit your uctions, your website and/or subscribe to your mailing list.

By using these opportunities to personalize the transaction, you'll make it more pleasurable and memorable for the customer, and chances are, they will visit your auctions and buy from you again!

Robbin K. Tungett is online marketing and eBay veteran of eight years. She is most widely known for her eBay expertise and her website Learn more about dropshipping at

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