The eBay marketplace is huge and it is growing bigger and bigger every day. It is one place where almost anything will sell. Yet, there are items that just plain will not sell no matter how low the price. If you want to make money on eBay, you can't afford to waste your time and money on items that won't sell.
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Make Money on eBay - How to Find Hot Products

The eBay marketplace is huge and it is growing bigger and bigger every day. It is one place where almost anything will sell. Yet, there are items that just plain will not sell no matter how low the price. If you want to make money on eBay, you can't afford to waste your time and money on items that won't sell.

To reduce the risk of not selling your auction items, upfront research is required. Ultimately, the hotter the products that you sell, the more likely you are to make money on eBay. It is important to take the time to research items before you try to sell them. With good research you'll know what items are most likely to sell.

Fortunately, eBay provides a variety of useful tools for the seller. One of the smartest things a seller can do is to make use of the tools that are provided. These tools can help sellers to identify hot selling items and to add to sales that already exist.

The two tools that we cover here are eBay Marketplace Research and Want It Now. While there are many other tools available, these two are geared at enabling the seller to make money on eBay by finding information about better selling (HOT) products.

eBay Marketplace Research

This provides important data for both sellers and buyers. This provides access to data for up to the last 90-days of completed items. This is the information that you need for identifying sales patterns. The data is also crucial to developing an understanding of market demand. There are graphs with both buying and selling trends.

Your will find data on:

  • Average Sales Price
  • Top Searches
  • Average Starting Prices
  • Average Bids per Item

There is a fee for this service.

Want It Now

Want It Now can be found by going to the eBay Home Page. Go to the left side of the page and scroll down about 2/3's of the way. Click on the Want It Now link and you will go to the page. Once you are to the Want It Now page, simply click on the category of interest. That will take you to the category of interest. There will be pages and pages of requests. You will be able to see how many responses have been made to the requests.

In addition to providing information about potential products to sell, it is also a powerful tool for new sales. By investing a few minutes to scroll through the Want It Now requests you are likely to find many requests for items that you may have available.

In our case, we routinely discover requests for items that we have in our eBay Store. With a quick response, we are often on our way to extra sales. If you want to make money on eBay, use Want It Now. This is a free service.

The bottom line is that research is critical if you want to make money on eBay. If you want to find out what's hot and what's not, do your homework first. Time and money invested wisely in research will pay off handsomely in the end.

(c) 2007 Bob Hamilton Online Auctions Made Simple Opening a Dollar Store

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