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Evil Plans: Having Fun on the Road to World Domination

Evil Plans: Having Fun on the Road to World Domination

This light-hearted easy to read humor and cartoon filled book inspires you make a plan (your "evil" plan) to escape the rat race to do what you love for a living.


"Success is more complex than failure." Think about it. Being a failure is a no-brainer. All you have to do is sleep till noon, get out of bed, scratch your crotch, have your morning visit to the bathroom, turn on the Star Trek reruns, help yourself to some breakfast (leftover pizza and a bottle of Jack Daniel's, Hurrah!), light up your first joint of the day, downnload some porn, and already you're well on your way.

Reader David Starkweather of Kansas City says, "Evil Plans is a great book. It's a book about an idea and about a state of mind that allows you to chase your dreams. Your Evil Plan, according to Hugh Macleod, is your ability to do something that you love and to have fun while making a living.

"Hugh is living proof that it's possible to do something that you love and make a living at it. He is a former ad man, who slaved away at a job that he didn't like. He was starting to get burned out at a reletively young age when inspiration hit him. He loved drawing cartoons and he ended up finding a way to turn that passion into a career. He now runs Gaping Void Gallery where he sells his art - some cartoons, doodles and high end art work, all of which was started with a love for drawing cartoons. He's making money doing what he loves. The book Evil Plans is a collection of his cartoons and his inspiration and encouragement to take the same leap of faith that he did to 'Have fun on the road to world domination.'

"Evil Plans isn't just about quitting your job and starting a business though. For some people, its doing a better job in your current role or taking on a new project that your excited about... Or it might just be finding a hobby or passion that might one day pay you rewards... and hopefully earn you money. Either way the message is inspiring and the book is a breeze to read."


The longer you've been working, the more you see this: people in their thirties and forties who have kind of hit me wall in their career trajectory but somehow need the money more than ever. You know, to pay for all that "stuff." Fancy cars, nice houses in the suburbs, golf clubs, that kinda thing.

They hate their work, but they love their "stuff." They say they have no choice. They have children, mortgages, responsibilities, that sort of thing. But they also have a lot of "stuff," which requires ever more time and money to enjoy properly, to keep the veneer from cracking.

Because the older you get, the more time and energy is needed to compensate for the fact that basically, you hate rhat you do. That you've never liked what you do. That all long, it's always been about the "stuff." Those people always get crucified, eventually. Their bosses always get rid of them, eventually.

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