Four Ways To Start A Home Based Business
by Andrew Shim
Since my wife and I started our home catering business, I've been encouraging
(my friends call it nagging) everyone I know to start a home based business to
escape the volatile cycle of full-time employment.
Even as many of them faced the threat losing their jobs, they seemed reluctant
to take that critical first step. The main problem isn't really about how to
start a home based business. It's about making that conscious decision to
actually take that first step!
freelancing greatly reduces the stress a family goes through in the event of job or income loss
It can be difficult especially if you're holding on to your job for dear life!
Breaking free of your comfort zone is critical, but once you get over that
mental hurdle and you've decided to go ahead and start a home based business,
there are basically four ways to do it.
Freelancing is the easiest way to start a home based business, when having a
steady income is crucial and leaving your job is not an option. It can be
difficult though, if you have to juggle work, family and freelancing so you've
got to stay focused on what your goal is. It helps if the whole family can get
in on the act and work as a team.
Freelancing is great because you get to play around with your time and your
goals, adjusting them to suit your needs. When your job is secure, you might
want to freelance as a way to supplement your income. However, if there are
signs that you might lose your job, you can always pick up the pace and move
from freelancing to running your business part-time or full-time.
Freelancing greatly reduces the stress and anxiety a family goes through in the
event of job or income loss. However, it's also very easy to lose your momentum
and passion when you freelance since you would probably have a loose working
schedule. This is where self-discipline and perseverance comes in.
Running part-time is ideal if you're able to opt for a flexible working schedule
to concentrate more on your home based business. There are obvious benefits to
this because most home based businesses require you to operate during office
hours. Remember that this sort or working arrangement may mean you will earn
less for a while as you build your home business.
When we first started our home catering business, my wife worked mornings as a
kindergarten teacher while I was employed full-time. In the evenings, we would
both work on our home catering business. In fact, we're still doing it this way.
My wife still teaches while I now work at home as a Netpreneur in the mornings.
We're adapting our working arrangements to suit our needs.