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How to Become the Number One Guitar Teacher in Your City

Bottom line: 99% of all guitar teachers fail to earn a good living or get great results for their students. Why? Most of them accept 'below average' as their standard for achievement instead of putting out great effort to get the best results for their students. To become the most successful guitar teacher around, you must NOT make this same mistake!

The good news is, it's not as difficult as you think to become the leading guitar teacher in your local area with the most students and the most profitable business. The first step to doing this is understanding why the majority of guitar teachers are unsuccessful and learning which steps to take in order to achieve success for yourself.

These are the five biggest reasons why guitar teachers will never achieve success in their teaching businesses and the details for how 'you' can avoid their mistakes to become the leader for guitar instruction in your city:

Why Guitar Teachers Fail, Reason Number 1: Copying Other Guitar Teachers

When you copy what other guitar teachers are doing, you are very unlikely to ever become highly successful. Here is why:

1. The majority of people teaching guitar are not successful. Therefore, when you copy the methods used by these people (either marketing or approaches to teaching students), you will only head down the same path of failure.

2. Even when you attempt to copy what the more successful guitar teachers in your area are doing, you do not know the entire strategy that goes into their efforts - you are only seeing a small portion of the "tactics" being used. A tactic is one action that is taken to complete a single objective. This includes things like placing ads in the news paper, improving the design of your guitar teaching website or putting flyers in different locations around town.

In contrast, a "strategy" is the overarching mental process that connects tactics together in order to achieve many different medium and long-term goals. A strategy exists well below the surface of what you observe and it is something you will be unable to imitate without a deep understanding of the inner workings of someone's business.

3. When you attempt to be like other teachers in your location, you are essentially transforming your guitar lessons into a "commodity" (something that can be found anywhere such as a slice of pizza). In other words, your guitar lessons lose any sense of being unique in the eyes of your prospective guitar students while being compared to other local teachers. This puts you in the position of trying to achieve competitive advantage based on price alone (leading you to trying to become the cheapest teacher around).

However, most of the truly committed guitar students usually understand that "you get what you pay for" when it comes to lessons. As a result, you will quickly build a reputation for being a mediocre quality guitar teacher and at best will only gain the interest of non-serious guitar players who don't show up to lessons on time, don't practice and are late with lesson payments.

What You Need To Do Instead To Become The Number One Guitar Teacher In Your Area:

Rather than copying individual tactics from other guitar teachers and blindly developing your business, use the approach of successful guitar teachers:

Work with a trainer to learn how to "teach guitar" and 'build a successful guitar teaching business'. This is the best way to put together your own unique business strategy while using the most effective guitar teaching methods to get the best results for your students.

Rather than marketing your lessons as "general" guitar lessons, focus on ONE musical style to teach and become the leading expert in your area for that specific style. This will instantly place you at the top of anyone's list who wants to play that style of guitar and will help you get the attention of more serious students. At first, this may seem illogical, however, nine times out of ten, guitar teachers who teach in a specific (but still well-known) musical style niche are much more successful than those who attempt to become a jack-of-all-trades.

When determining the price for your lessons, charge AT LEAST a little bit above average. By charging "more", your students will feel much more motivated to practice more frequently and improve because they are paying more for their lessons. Charging more helps keep them accountable to themselves because they don't want to waste all the money they are spending.

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