You can also make money by operating your own ad agency from home. Offer businesses advertising space in YOUR publication. You take payment from advertisers first before they place their adverts with you. You use part of this money for printing and distribution costs.
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How To Start An Ad Agency From Home With No Money Down

You can also make money by operating your own ad agency from home. Offer businesses advertising space in YOUR publication. You will run a little publication that contains adverts and if you like, a sprinkling of articles. You take payment from advertisers first before they place their adverts with you. You use part of this money for printing and distribution costs. The balance of the money is your own profits to keep.

You now arrange distribution of your publication. In this way, you can start and operate a highly profitable advertising business without spending a single cent. You use the finances of other people (the advertisers) to float your start up expenses and reap for you a sizable profit on a daily basis.

Publication Size

Firstly, give a name to your publication. This makes it easily identifiable and it looks professional too. Now decide on how your publication is going to look and how many pages it will consist of. It is good to start with three A4 pages. Place these three A4 pages together and fold horizontally to make an A5 sized publication that has A5 sides.

The name of your publication and your telephone number goes on the top first page. Decide on the area you will distribute these publications. Put the name of this area next to or immediately below the name of your publication. At a later stage, you may run same named publications but in different areas.

Decide on the number of copies of your publication you wish to distribute in a specific area. The more you plan to distribute, the happier your advertisers will feel about advertising with you. This is because the more copies you distribute, the greater amount of people will read the adverts and hence more exposure and business is possible for your advertiser. Try and visit at least three printers and get printing quotes on printing your publication.


You can use various methods to distribute your publications like handing them out at street corners to passing pedestrians and motorists, at busy malls, at community centers and door to door in neighborhoods.

Work out the cost to distribute each copy of your publication. You may need to employ school kids or part-time workers to do the distribution for you. Decide on what to pay them. Three cents per publication correctly delivered is a very fair price. Do random checks to ensure that these are delivered to your requirements. This method is the most effective method from a cost point of view and it works the best. The amount per copy you decide to pay is your distribution costs.

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