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Video - How to Publish on Kindle

You can use Kindle Direct Publishing to publish your book to the Amazon Kindle store in just a few minutes. In this video by Amazon you will see how to publish your book from start to finish.


To publish your book you'll need two things; some basic information about your book such as the title and description, and a digital file of your book. We accept many digital file formats including Microsoft Word and HTML. Okay, let's get started.

Sign in to KDP with your amazon account. Once you do that, you'll be taken to the bookshelf. The bookshelf lists all of your books and whether they are in draft, publishing, or live in the Kindle store.

To publish your book click the [Add a New Title] button. You have the option to enroll your book in KDP Select. With KDP Select you can make money and expand your reach by participating in the Kindle Owners Lending Library. You also get an opportunity to promote your book for fee. To learn more about KDP Select and the Kindle Owners Lending Library, click on the learn more link.

Next enter the title to your book. Kindle book titles can be up to 200 characters. Next enter the edition number. If you want to let readers know that this book is part of a series, or that it is an updated edition, you can enter that information. You can only enter a numerical value.

Next enter the product description. This is the description the customer sees when they shop on the Amazon store. You must also add at least one book contributor. You can also identify the role of that contributor e.g. Editor, Illustrator, or other role.

Next, select the language. You can also choose to enter a publication date. If your title has been previously published in physical or digital format, enter the original publication date. Otherwise the Kindle store will automatically enter the date that the item is being published once everything has been processed.

Next enter the publisher name. If you're the book's publisher, enter your company name here. If you're the books author you can enter your own name or enter the name of your publishing company.

Next, if you have an ISBN enter it. You can still publish your book if you do not have an ISBN. Next indicate whether you hold rights to your book or if it is a public domain book.

Next you can assign categories or keywords to help customers find your book. Think of categories as sections in a book store. You can assign up to two categories for your book. Your book will be listed in the Kindle Store browse category most appropriate to the selection you make here. Next add search keywords. You can add up to seven keywords.

Next, upload your book cover. The image you provide will be used for the product image on Amazon and you can also select whether you want the same image to be used for the inside cover of your book. If you don't upload an image, Amazon will use a default image that you can preview. A default cover cannot be used as the inside cover of your book, so be sure to uncheck this option.

Next identify the DRM setting for your book. Digital Rights Management is a way to restrict the ability of the customer from sharing your book with another user. If you want DRM indicate it here. Once your book is published, you cannot change the DRM setting for your book.

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