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Other Formats, Besides eBooks, for Your Information Products

Audio Information Products

Some people love audio information products because they can listen to them while doing chores or while driving in car. You can turn your written information products into audio products, or, one of the easiest ways to create an audio information product is audio interviews.

To create an audio information product you'll need a microphone connected to PC and software to record and edit the audio. One of the best audio editing tools is the free open source program called Audacity. Record your audio session in MP3 format, and then burn it into a CD.

You can place some copyright free music at the beginning and end of your recording. One thing to watch out for is PC fan noise in the background. You'll need along cable on your microphone to get a good distance between you and the PC.

Video Information Products

Many people don't like to read so much, they prefer to watch video. Again video interviews are extremely easy to produce. To create video you'll need a camcorder and video editing software. Don't try to be too creative with panning or moving the camera around. It's best to place the camcorder on a tripod to keep it steady while you record.

Today, making videos is incredibly easy. Many people just use the camera built into their PC. Most PCs also come with video editing software installed, for example Windows Movie Maker which lets you edit video and burn it to a DVD. Windows Movie Maker creates video in Windows Media Formats (WMV and WMA) which is the is the best format for publishing.

Even more amazingly, you don't actually need a video camera to make a video. You can create a Power Point presentation or just take screen captures, and use your PC's video editing software to organize them into a video.

Software Information Products

With only basic programming skills you can create many digital information products. You can create training programs, databases, preformatted spreadsheets, and photo or art libraries. With a little more programming ability you can even create educational games. For spreadsheets or databases you can use the free OpenOffice Productivity Suite, which, because it's open source, you can actually include a copy of on your CD.

Even a computer game can be an information product if it's educational. Today there are dozens of applications called game builders or game engines that let you easily design 2D and 3D computer games, some without writing a single line of code. Take a look at the free open source Sandbox 3D Game Maker, an easy to use 3D Game Maker and 3D Game Design program being used in many schools throughout the world that allows kids and adults to create their own video games, worlds, levels, adventures and quests. The goal is to make it accessible to kids but also powerful enough for full game projects.

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