I spent years leaning how to write ebooks that solve a problem in a niche market that sell profitably. This article includes some of the tips and tricks acquired during those years.
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Write eBook - Work Three Hours a Day From Anywhere

I spent years leaning how to write ebooks that solve a problem in a niche market that sell profitably. This article includes some of the tips and tricks acquired during those years.

A list of characteristics that all the top selling ebooks share:

Great content - Find a problem and provide a solution with valuable and helpful information that is concisely and clearly written. For example, a problem could be that aspiring authors can't find a single all inclusive guide to walk them through every single step of writing and selling ebooks profitably. The solution is to create such a guide and market to this niche market. You can spark your imagination searching for relevant tips at:

• EZineArticles - Search to keywords related to your topic, select one of the articles in the search results, and scroll to the bottom of the page to see how many people read the article. Then scroll up and see how much traffic articles in the same category are receiving under "Most Viewed EzineArticles in the Health-and-Fitness:Autism Category (90 Days)". This will give you an idea of what types of content are generating interest.

• Yahoo Answers - Search for questions related to the problems that you plan to create a solution for. This is a great way to learn what information a potential market needs and generate content ideas for when your write ebooks.

• Forums - Similar to Yahoo Answers. Search forums related to the topic and learn what information or solutions members are searching for and there is usually a wealth of information that can spark your imagination.

• Ebooks - I suggest that you purchase all the ebooks that cover similar topics to yours so that you can get an understanding of the quality of ebooks you will be competing with.

An attention grabbing title - The title needs to hook the reader using a catchy and compelling title. You can also create curiosity to hook the reader into learning more. The title should also contain your main keywords that you are targeting.

Keyword rich subtitles - If you plan to write ebooks and convert it into a physical book using print on demand you will want to create a very long subtitle crammed with as many keywords as possible. Amazon and other online bookseller search tools will rank your title higher in the search results, just like a search engine.

Create table of contents - This is easy in Microsoft Word and Open Office Writer. In Writer on the toolbar click Insert>Indexes and Tables>Indexes and Tables>OK. This uses your Headings (H1, H2, H3) to automatically generate a table of contents that can be updated any time you change your ebook content (in table of content area right click and update Index⁄Table).

Solid ebook structure - Make certain your sections, or chapters, belong with your subject. An ebook about saving money could include sections on saving money on groceries, saving money on clothes, saving money on telephone and cell phones, and so on.

Easy on eyes format - Keep each chapter similar in size. If using images evenly space them throughout (for example, don't have 10 images in one chapter and none in others). Try to keep your paragraphs near the same length, use larger than usual font, add extra white space between lines of text. These tips make it easier on the readers eyes.

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