I discovered that a good method to make money on the Internet is to self publish my own products. Collect information about a specific topic that you like or that you know a lot about and write a short e-book.
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Self Publish Your Own Products

I discovered that a good method to make money on the Internet is to self publish my own products. Two products that sell very well are software and e-books. I will refer mostly to e-books here but most of the techniques that I will describe on this article are useful to publish software also.

Let's say that you want to make money on the Internet but you don't know where to start. You could become an affiliate, but that would require that you have knowledge about how to attract traffic to your websites and some online marketing skills that you may not have. Then what do you do?

A good option would be to collect information about a specific topic that you like or that you know a lot about and write a short e-book. This do not have to be long. It could be a few pages of information like let's say 20 - 30. You can further improve the quality of the e-book with a few graphics, photographs of images which help describe better what you are trying to explain with words.

How do you create the book and the graphics. The easiest and most inexpensive way is to use your own computer if you own one or go to a public library and borrow one for a while. You can write everything and then type it using a text editor like Microsoft Works or Microsoft Words.

Both of these programs allow you to insert images and photographs on the document that you are creating. You can upload the images to your computer if you have access to a scanner.

You can also get the images from free clip art websites on the Internet so you don't have to create them yourself. You can also create some images using Paint. That's a default Microsoft program that comes installed within most of today's PC computers.

Once you have the e-book in text form you will need to convert it to another format. This new format is the one you will use to sell and distribute your e- book to your clients. Because you plan to sell this product to many individuals, the file needs to be compatible with most computers and operating systems.

One of the best formats that you can use to sell your e-books is PDF. This is the standard for Adove Reader. It is widely used and compatible with most computers world wide. Now, how do you convert from text to PDF? You can do this from Microsoft Works easily.

Once you finish your document save it. Then go to File in the left upper corner of your computer and click where it says Publish to PDF. Your file will be converted to PDF format automatically. Adove Reader comes installed in most PC computers too. So don't worry about it. This will probably work for you.

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