The exponential explosion in the dating sector has meant that many companies owning and operating Online Dating sites have come from a standing start to generating significant revenues in a matter of just a few months.
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Make 50k a Month with an Online Dating Site

It has been well documented that online dating is a phenomenon which has changed the lives of millions of people throughout the world. Two out of every five singletons in Europe and the USA aged 25 - 40 have used an on line service to either find a partner, or simply to enhance their social lives by making new friends.

This exponential explosion in the dating sector has meant that many companies owning and operating the sites themselves have come from a standing start to generating significant revenues in a matter of just a few months. It is possible to make a small fortune from online dating but, then again, it's just as possible to lose your shirt.

For every successful site, there are five others which simply "got it wrong". If you follow these few basic guidelines, you could join the cyber-revolution which has not only become a lifestyle choice in itself for a great many consumers, but an extremely profitable market for webmasters to enter.

1. Niche works. Yes, we all know the names of the global dating sites which dominate the sector, but if you want to create a site that attracts millions of members, you are going to need very deep pockets just to get on the first rung of the ladder. There are a great many very successful sites that either cater to special interest groups such as bikers, military personnel etc or geo-targeted sites that cover one city like - a popular London dating service.

The advantage of this kind of concept is that it is much easier and cheaper to promote than a service which attracts all-comers. The sophistication of online marketing, particularly the various pay-per-click search engines, enables you to target your audience very specifically thereby maximizing your return on investment without having to overly stretch your financial resources.

2. Don't over-complicate the design of the site. The primary aim of the homepage should be to encourage visitors to register with your service, not to marvel at your use of different colours or design features. Stick to just two colours (one should preferably be blue - the colour of trust) on a white background and avoid flashing buttons at all costs.

3. Keep your proposition simple. If a dating site looks so complicated that only 'techies' can use it, you'll lose most of your audience as soon as they land on your homepage. The most successful dating sites tend to offer a very basic system of picture profiles and secure messaging. People sign-up, create their profiles, upload their photos and start sending email messages to other members with whom they think they might be compatible.

It's easy and you don't have to have a degree in computer sciences to do it. But there are many sites out there which offer a bewildering array of features - video profiles, psychological profiling and the like; all very expensive to integrate and manage and most, to be frank, are a complete waste of time and money.

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