Statistics show that most people come online seeking free information. However, if in their search, they come upon an interesting for sale information product, they will make a purchase. There are several reasons for this:
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What Sells Good on the Web? Information Products

Statistics show that most people come online seeking free information. However, if in their search, they come upon an interesting for sale information product, they will make a purchase. There are several reasons for this:

1.Most people use a dial-up Internet connection. Reading information online is slow and tedious and requires them to tie up the phone line.
2.Information on the Web is very fleeting. The information may move or vanish overnight.
3.Good free information is not easy to find on the Web. Information that you have to pay for is assumed to be more complete and of higher quality than any thing you can find for free.

People are looking for all kinds of information on the web, so coming up with a product idea is not difficult. For example, people need information about how to properly train their dogs. But how do you implement that idea into a web business?

One idea is to make a video tape. Take your dog, your video camera, and a helper friend or family member to the park for a couple of training sessions and you’ve got yourself a product! To boost sales, create a few peripheral products:

1. Bonus Product. Do a little research to create a bonus product. For example: Free with purchase of video. Ebook "Table Foods That Can Make Your Dog Sick". For example, feeding chocolate to your dog can make it sick. It is not uncommon for a person to purchase a product when they are more interested in the bonus item than they are in the main product.

2. Order Form Incentive. The biggest problem with e-commerce is people abandoning the order form. One method to push the customer through to making the purchase is to include a time-limited additional unexpected bonus on the order form. For example: "Order today and receive these healthy doggy treats at no additional charge." To make the one day time limit legitimate, just use a different doggy treat each day.

3. Website Freebie. For example: Free download, the ebook - "How to train your dog in less than ten minutes a day". In actuality, this free ebook is a sales brochure for your video tape. The answer to "How to train your dog in less than ten minutes a day" is to buy your video tape.

For Your web site, I would recommend three important features:

1. Content. Add as much content about dogs as you can. Content is what gets you listed in the search engines. The search engines are what gets traffic to your web site. Traffic is what gets sales of your video tape.

2. Pictures. Add lots of pictures of dogs. Pictures of cute dogs. Pictures of people training dogs. Funny pictures of dogs, say with graduation hats. Cartoon dogs.

3. About Page. People don’t buy from unknown web sites. Put some information about yourself and your company. Especially information about how you love dogs and your dog training experience. It would also be great if you included pictures of you and your dog. Show the dog in an obedient pose.

The purpose of this article is show you how to increase the sales of your main product by offering freebies, bonus products, and order form incentives. It also provides some important features required for an effective sales web site. People are looking for all kinds of information on the web. The specific information and the medium you provide it on leaves you many choices.

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