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Change Wood Into Gold

Today, everything is a cold plastic manufactured product. In the "old days", everything was painstakingly hand-crafted from wood. People love the quality and warmth of hand-crafted wood products. If you like to work with your hands, you can profit from the demand for these products.

John Michael Linck has been selling his amazing wooden toys for 39 years. You can see them at woodentoy.com, or you can check out Tim's Wooden Toys where Tim Bramlett has been selling toys for 26 years.

Check out familysigns.com where they sell cute crafty personalized wood signs for $10.00 and up.

Big Book of Scroll Saw Woodworking

If you're not too experienced with woodworking, you can start by making simple scroll saw puzzles and wood toys. You'll find free scroll saw patterns at Steve Good's free scroll saw pattern catalog and also Steve Ramsey's Woodworking for Mere Mortals where you'll find free woodworking plans and lots of other interesting stuff. Another great source for tons of free plans is Skill Power Tools web site, where you'll need to select your country from a drop-down list in the upper-right corner of the page before you can get to the good stuff.

Simply-Built Furniture

When you get a little more skill, you can make the kind of products sold at the Wood Toys and Joys Web site. A good source for quality hardwoods, woodworking materials, power and hand tools, is Woodworkers Source which has stores in Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona.

Tips for a wood craft products Web site:

On your Web site, highlight the fact that you can make custom and personalized wood craft products. Customization is what puts your work a step above manufactured products, and allows you to charge a premium price.

You can generate extra profits by selling kits, patterns and instructions that let your fellow woodworkers copy your wood craft products. You will be surprised how many people who bought a pattern will return later to purchase a finished poduct.

It is very important to display good pictures of your products on your web site, but one problem I frequently find at wood craft product sites is a total disregard for Web page load times.

People yearn for the quality and warmth of hand-crafted wood products. Don't limit your sales to your Web site. Hand-crafted wood products are one of the premier items sold at Web auction sites, craft fairs and craft malls. If you like to work with your hands, you can turn wood into gold!

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