25 Top Places to Publish Your Content and Market Your Business
By Steve Shaw
Still only publishing your content in a single place? If so, you're missing out on a
huge amount of exposure, visibility and results you could otherwise be achieving.
To give your content the greatest chance of success, you need to publish it as widely
as possible across a whole network of different content sites.
This involves repurposing content - in other words, creating new versions of the original
content - to suit the specific platform you're publishing on. For example, let's imagine
your content is currently in the form of a blog post. Here are some examples of how you might repurpose it:
• Into an article such as this. Often they will be quite a bit shorter than the original
post. Depending on the site it's published on, it may not use the same amount of visual imagery.
• Into a presentation for publication onto say SlideShare.
• Into a video for YouTube. If you've already created a presentation, the easiest way
is to use that as the basis of a video.
• Into multiple Tweets spread out over time, taking some of the key takeaways from the post.
• Similarly into one or more updates for other social networks.
I've mentioned a couple of key sites already where you can publish your content. Here's
a full listing of 25 such publishing platforms and content websites:
1. Your Blog
Your own blog should be central to your whole content marketing strategy. Through regularly
publishing high quality content, you build credibility, authority and traffic. Plus each post forms
the basis for quality repurposed content you can then publish elsewhere.
Thanks to built-in audiences, these other sites can attract much higher engagement levels. This can
also lead to your content spreading virally and reaching thousands you wouldn't otherwise reach.
2. Twitter
As already mentioned, multiple Tweets can be scheduled to go out over time, using different
key points from content you publish elsewhere.
3. Facebook
Each time you publish a new post - or publish content to some of the other sites listed
here - schedule one or more updates for Facebook. Use an image such as your post's Featured
Image to boost engagement levels and click-through.
4. LinkedIn
Similar to Facebook, one or more updates can be scheduled out over time, linking back
to the original content. You'd generally do this through your Company Page.
5. Pinterest
If you're using a Featured Image whenever you publish to your blog, you can easily re-use
it as the basis of a post on Pinterest, linking back to your blog. You can also post videos
and SlideShares directly to Pinterest.
6. Google+
Google+ can be good for micro-blogging, where you create a longer synopsis of your content
than you might do on say Facebook. Or even a series of posts based on the original content.
Publish content to your personal profile, your business page, and to different communities
you are a member of in order to widen your reach.