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How to Make Magic With an Old Book From the Public Domain!

Secrets abound in magic and stories about magical happenings, all over the world. What's more they have continued to do so since time immemorial. There is probably no greater thirst for information about how to live an endless life of health and happiness, than there is for information about the many facets of magic and magicians, dating back as far as you and I can remember.

Modern Magicians such as Paul Daniels learned virtually all of their Magic Tricks from Old Books and the magician's union "The Magic Circle" probably takes most of its magic tricks from decades or even centuries old books about magic.

Just doing a search on eBay for "magic", "magic book", or "magician" will return you with a ton of results. Old Books on magic are among the most sought after in the whole world, no matter what language they are written in or what country they came from. For some reason the two little words "magic trick" seem to conjure up an interest in almost every single one of us. It does not seem to matter how old we grow because virtually all of us seem to have an affinity with magic tricks and conjuring in general.

Even card tricks can be classed among the "magic" and "wonder" when seen operated by someone with a clever sleight of the hand. Now before you say to yourself... ... What's all this got to do with online marketing? Let me tell you the secret to earning a massive amount of money on a regular basis from Historic Books on Magic Tricks, Card Tricks, Illusions and other so called methods for conjuring in general.

It is extremely simple to do and very straightforward to make an automatic online income from after the initial easy setup.

1. Find or Purchase an Old Book from the Public Domain about magic tricks, card tricks or similar material.

2. Simply scan or copy the pages, along with any images or illustrations into a computer.

3. Using the computerized version which you have now created, re-word if necessary any out of date language, into modern language which is more easily readable.

4. Update any illustrations so that they are clear and easy to comprehend.

5. Change the Title if you wish, to create more interest, using modern keywords which you can locate on Google or another keyword research tool.

6. Place the chapters into a logical, step by step order if necessary, for simplified reading.

7. Convert to a "PDF" or portable document file... this is a simple one step push button process, using one of the many free "PDF" Creators available online for easy download to your computer.

8. Sell your "New Product" on clickbank as a digital item, or sell as a printed book or Cd on eBay. (Note) eBay does not allow digital downloads any longer.

9. Give out "Review Copies" free to selected marketers, who will quite happily promote your book, in return for promoting their products.

10. If you so wish, in order to increase your income by large margins, let others become your affiliates and resell your products on your behalf on a commission basis using their own affiliate links to your books.

Old Books on magic and card tricks can be extremely lucrative! Also conjuring tricks and illusions found in the Public Domain can be very worthwhile updating into the 21st century.

Many of these illusions and tricks being carried out by modern artists such as Derren Brown, have been taken by these people from the Public Domain and reformatted for their money making ventures.

Millions are currently being made all over the world from Historic Books and other products taken from Old Magic Books in the Public Domain. You can join them with very little advance knowledge.

Need more Information? Dave Robus provides information on how to profit from the Public Domain at Old Books Make Money where he covers ebook creation from old books in a logical step by step process. On his blog Dave also gives regular free hints and tips on Niche Market research to find the best selling idea's, which you can put into practice and achieve high income's by taking Public Domain items for re-creation into high value products.

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