Set the Font Style
By Stephen Bucaro
Set the Font Style
Use the font-style property to set the font style. Font style values may be
normal, italic, or oblique. Shown below is font-style set to normal.
<p style="font-style:normal">Font Style set to normal.</p>
Font Style set to normal.
Because font-style set to normal is the default, you wouldn't normally use
that value, except to override an inherited style other than normal.
Shown below is font-style set to italic.
<p style="font-style:italic">Font Style set to italic.</p>
Font Style set to italic.
Shown below is font-style set to oblique.
<p style="font-style:oblique">Font Style set to oblique</p>
Font Style set to oblique
"Oblique" means the font is slanted. The specified font family may not contain an oblique option,
therefore, when font-style is set to oblique, it may default to italic.
To set a different font style for some text within a paragraph, place the text to be set to
the different style within a <span> element, and set the font-style property of the
span to the desired value. An example is shown below.
<p>To set a different font style for some text within a paragraph,
<span style="font-style:italic;">place the text to be set to the
different style within a span element</span>, and set the font-style
property of the span to the desired value.</p>
To set a different font style for some text within a paragraph,
place the text to be set to the different style within
a span element, and set the font-style property of the span to the desired value.
Some webpage designers think everything should be done with CSS styles and the use of html tags
is obsolete. I disagree because it's so easy to just place the the text to be set to italic within
<i></i> tags. An example is shown below.
<p>To set a different font style for some text within a paragraph,
<i>place the text to be set to the different style within a span element<i>,
and set the font-style property of the span to the desired value.</p>
To set a different font style for some text within a paragraph, place the text to be
set to the different style within a span element, and set the font-style property of the
span to the desired value. An example is shown below.
The developers of html version 4 thought just using <i> for "italic" was too difficult
to understand, so they added the <em> tag for "emphasis", which does exactly the same thing.
More CSS Quick Reference: • Set the Letter Spacing • Set an Element's Margin • position:fixed • Set an Element's Float • Set List Properties • Set the Font Variant • Highlight Text • Set the Line Spacing • Set the Type of Bullet Used in List • Set a Background Image's Position