Set the Font Variant
By Stephen Bucaro
The font-variant property doesn't change the font face, and it doesn't change
uppercase letters at all. The font-variant property is used to change all the
lower case letters to uppercase letters in a smaller font size.
Use the font-variant property to set the font variant. Font variant values are
normal or small-caps.
<p style="font-variant:normal">Font Variant Set to normal.</p>
Font Variant Set to normal.
<p style="font-variant:small-caps">Font Variant Set to small-caps.</p>
Font Variant Set to small-caps.
Setting the font-variant property to small-caps creates an interesting
effect. If anyone knows of a practical application for this, please let me know.
More CSS Quick Reference: • Grouped Selectors • Set the border-collapse • Set a Background Image's Position • Set an Element's Visibility • How to Use a CSS ID Selector • CSS background-origin Positions Background • Set Text Justification • Set an Element's Overflow • position:fixed • Define CSS Rollover Effects