MathML Basic Elements

MathML (Mathematical Markup Language), similar to HTML which is used to encode the structure and content of a webapge, is an XML dialect for encoding mathematical expressions on a webapge. MathML most basic elements are <mn>, <mi> and <mo>.

mn Use this element to specify a numeric literal.

mi Use this element to specify an identifier, for example the name of a variable.

mo Use this element to specify an operator, for example +, -, =. Brackets are also considered operators.


y + 4 = 5

Most basic math expressions can be rendered with these three elements.

2 x - 14 + 3 ( x + 2 ) = -4



Note that the mo operator is used to place parentheses.

6 ( 2 x + 2 - 4 ( 4 x - 2 ) )


The example above uses nested parentheses, a set of parentheses inside another set. Of course, to evaluate nested parentheses, start by evaluating the inner set of and then work your way outward.

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