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HTML title Tag

The <title></title> tag defines the title of the webpage, which is displayed in the title bar of the Web browser. The title tags must be located in the <head> </head>section of the document. The contents of the title tag are also displayed in the user's favorites. One of the most important functions of the title tag is in SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

<title>Web Page Title</title>

Web Page Contents


Note: Don't confuse the title tag with the title attribute. The title attribute is used in html elements to display text as a mouse-over tooltip popup.

Note: Your webpage's title should not include <, >, or & characters. Less-than and greater than characters will cause an error on your webpage unless you replace them with character codes. Even using character codes will cause problems because some search engines ignore them. Don't use the ampersand character (&) because it could be confused as defining a character code. Use the word and< instead.

One of the most important elements of SEO is the text within the title tags. The contents of your title tag are displayed as the title in search engine results. For highest page rank, your title should clearly explain what,s on the webpage. The title should contain important keywords. Don,t put the same title on every webpage of your website.

Every webpage must have a unique title. The name of your website or organization should appear in the title tag of your home page, but should not be repeated in other page titles. Your title should not be longer than 120 characters. Google displays the title only up to the last complete word before the 66th character.

More HTML Code:
• HTML5 Spinbox Control
• When to Use the nofollow Attribute value
• Adding Space Around an Image
• HTML List Basics
• HTML SPAN Basics
• HTML5 Input Type - URL
• HTML Definition List
• HTML noscript Tag
• Add an Image to a Web Page
• Text Input Box Basics

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