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Convert a String to a Number

Would you believe me if I told you 2 + 2 = 22? Of course not, but I can prove it with the JavaScript statement shown below.

var c = "2" + 2;

When executed, this code will write "22". The cause of the error is that the code is trying to add the character string "2" to the numerical value 2. In this case JavaScript assumes that you know what you're doing, and your intent is to convert the numerical value to a character and append it to the character string "2". You say "nobody would be that stupid"?

If you received the first value from a webpage form, you could very easily forget that forms return character strings, not numerical values, and use the value in a mathematical operation. JavaScript provides the parseInt function to solve this problem. Rewritten as shown below, the statements will produce the correct result, 4.

var c = parseInt("2") + 2;

JavaScript also provides the parseFloat function to convert strings containing a period to floating point numbers. With the parseFloat functions, the statements below produces the numerical value 2. Without the parseFloat functions, it would produce the string value "1.0950.905".

var c = parseFloat("1.095") + parseFloat("0.905");

The statement shown below should produces the numerical value 200, but instead it produces the numerical value 101. Can you find the problem?

var c = parseInt("1O0") + parseInt("100");

Somebody inadvertently typed a character O instead of a digit 0 in the first number. You say that isn't a likely mistake? Take a look at your keyboard. JavaScript provides the isNaN function to help you catch this error. below is an example use of the isNaN function.

var a = "1O0";
var b = "100";

if(isNaN(a) || isNaN(b))
  alert("You entered a bad number");
  document.write(parseInt(a) + parseInt(b));

In a situations where you need to convert a value stored as a string, for example a value returned from a form element, to a number for use in a calculation, use the Java Script parseInt or parseFloat function.

More Java Script Code:
• Java Script Character Encoding and Decoding
• JavaScript to Concatenate Strings
• Compare Two Strings
• Java Script Events
• Java Script Arithmetic Operators
• Get Webpage File Date and File Size
• Determine Absolute Value
• JavaScript .big and .small to Change Text Size
• Java Script Quick Reference : JavaScript toString Method Converts a Number to a String
• Convert a String to a Number

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