Affiliate Marketing Tips - Making an Affiliate Website by Andrew Holtom

Developing your own niche website is the next logical step for many affiliate marketing professionals. Here we look at how to put together a winning website.

If you've been dabbling in affiliate marketing - then you could well have reached the point of wanting to make your own website. Here I'm going to cover what you need to do in order to create a website where you can consolidate your products, your blog and your marketing messages.

My philosophy is that when people start out in affiliate marketing, it's best to wait a short time before investing in a website of your own. This gives time for exploration and to confirm that you really do enjoy affiliate marketing before you invest any more money of your own. However, once you have confirmed this, then I strongly advise on having a website that is related to your primary niche. A website will give the opportunity of building trust and respect with your readers.

Find Keywords

Finding the best keywords for your website is a fairly simple process. Use the Google Adwords tool or even for your research. Select keywords that are receiving something in the range of 300-700 searches per month to get started. Once you have chosen a handful of keywords, go to Traffic Travis to discover whether competing websites have fully optimised their sites with the keywords. Quite often sites do not fully optimise their tags and leave you with an opportunity to easily compete with them for the 1st place on Google.

More Competition Research

You'll now need to check your keywords by typing them into Google. Take a look at the top 3 sites. Note how they have most likely used their keywords in the Title tag of their page, their meta description and within the main page itself. You'll also need to do this on your website. By adding your selected keyword to the page in bold - you will further increase your chances of getting found on the search engines.

Find a Domain Name

The next step is to select a domain name for your website that has your keyword in it. Select one that starts with your keyword and is short and catchy. Something memorable will have the best results.

Web Hosting

For web hosting of your affiliate marketing website, I recommend using a company such as Host Gator or Godaddy. Both of them offer very competitive prices with features such as disk space, bandwidth, emails and applications such as wordpress quite often coming as part of the package.

Web Content

Once you have set up your domain and have your website hosting contract organised, it's time to load content onto your website. The more engaging, informative and interesting your site is, the more traffic you will receive. All of your content should be created with quality in mind. Your goal is to be build your reputation as an expert or guru in your chosen niche.


Create a set of relevant and useful articles for your site. Each of these should be unique, contain relevant terms and be easy to read. They should link from your home page. These articles will assist with your search engine results and traffic, in addition to being of use to your readers.


You may prefer to add your products through the use of banners that use hop links to your affiliate marketing products. The hop links will tell Clickbank and the vendor that you promoted the product, and you will be assigned the commission when there is a sale.

So there you have it, the steps required to build a website to aid your affiliate marketing efforts.

Andrew Holtom is an experienced and accomplished online marketer. Andrew enjoys introducing newcomers of how to successfully make money online. Claim a free 94 page guide to starting your own online business, visit [ URL redirected] for immediate download.

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